Chapter 11: Halloween Hangout! Part one

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You were watching an old horror movie with the creepypasta gang. It was actually a pretty good time to do so, seeing as how Halloween was tonight. Nobody was really going to dress up in anything, but they were still planning to go out and have fun.

Benny: So where are we going to go?

Slenderwoman:I was hoping to go for a walk, seeing as how we can't kill anyone tonight. It's to crowded. Besides, tonight's the one night of the year when we can walk around freely.

*Ring* *Ring*

You look down to your phone and see that you've got a call from Jackson:

You: Hey man, what's up?

Jackson: Hey. Are you free this afternoon? All of us were planning on going to a party at Mike's house. You can bring some friends if you want to.

You think for a minute, then say,

You: Sure, I'll come.

Jackson: Alright. We'll see you there man.

You get off the phone to see everyone looking at you.

Ej: Who was that?

You: Jackson. He wanted to know if I would go to a Halloween party with him later.

Ej: Oh, cool. We've never been to a party before. Would it be ok if we came with you?

You: Sure, I don't mind.

After finishing the movie, you and everyone goes to get dressed. You decided to call an old friend of yours:

You: Hey man, I need something from you.

Golden: Sure. What do you need?

You: Do you still have that reaper mask you use in your writing?

Golden: Uhh... Give me a minute....*Shuffling noises* Yes, I do. Do you need for the Halloween party tonight?

You: Yeah. Wait, how did you know?

Golden: Heh, just had a feeling. Anyway, I'll leave it by your house.

You: Still not willing to show your face?

Golden: Not in the slightest. Anyway, I'll talk to you later. See ya.

You: Bye.

( Timeskip to after you had gotten the mask brought to you by the spookiest night of the year!)

You had gotten the mask, and it looked just the same as it always did.

Must be taking care of it pretty well...

You put it on and head back into the mansion. As you put it on, you could feel something on your mouth, but you didn't pay any attention to it.

Ej: Oh, good. You're back. We're all ready to go if you are.

You turn to look at her and say,

You: Alright give me a-

You stopped after you heard your voice. It was deep and distorted. Ej seemed pretty surprised as well.

Ej: Y/n? What happened to your voice?

You take of the mask and feel inside it. You find the thing that went over your mouth.

You: I think this is what causes it.

Ej: Oh, ok.

Slenderwoman: Everyone? It's time to go.

You and Ej walk outside to see Slenderwoman and everyone else standing in a circle, waiting on you.

Slenderwoman: What's the address?

You: 1156 Mortleberry street.

If that's a real street I'm sorry.

Slenderwoman: Alright, then. Hold on everyone.

(Insert teleporting noise here because I don't know one)

Ok, part one ends here because it's Halloween night and I've not finished it. So, if your reading this one the night it comes out, you've probably already been trick or treating, so I hope you all had fun. Goodnight!

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