Chapter 13: Wake up, the sun is shining-part 1

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You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock ringing. Well, that's not really what woke you up. It was more like the sound of Ej groaning in frustration. You hit the snooze button and get up. You stumble around a bit looking for the light-switch.

"No... keep the lights off please... I have the worst headache ever....."

You walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to start cooking some breakfast.

Bacon and eggs would be pretty good right now...

As you're cooking, you turn on the tv and set it to the news channel.

"This just in..." the reporter announces, " There's been recent talk of a computer game that can kill people. 7 are reported dead. From what we can tell, the game seems to be a type of Zelda game, and-"

You turn the tv off and turn back to your cooking.

"7? Benny's not doing to well, is she?" You say mostly to yourself.

"Cmon! Give me at least some credit! I just set that up yesterday!" A staticky voice yells through the tv.

You turn back to the tv and see Benny's head poking through the screen.

"Anyway, Slenda wants to know where EJ is." She asks.

"Upstairs in bed with a migraine."

"Oh? Did you two have a" She asks, moving her eyebrows.

"No, Benny. Somebody did something to the punch at the party last night. Gave her a bad headache."

"Awww." She looks down sadly, than shoots her head back up. "Is that bacon?" She asks, a sudden hunger in her eyes.

"Yep. Fresh off the stove. You want so-" you turn around with a plate to find her sitting in a chair at your table. "Guess that answers that..." you hand her a plate and she starts eating faster than what should be possible.

"So, this is *mph* your plash, huh" She says, with a mouthful of bacon. "Is pree nish" she finally swallows her food. "I always thought you lived behind a Walmart or something."

"Wow, thanks." You say sarcastically.

"No problem. More please."


She gives you puppy dog eyes, then a look of realization passes her face.

"Oh I get it. I didn't realize that was your fetish, y/n."

Wait wha-"

Before you can finish she puts her hands up like a cat and winks.

"Nya-, please, can I have more, master?"

"What? I don't have a-*sigh* just take the bacon.."

She sits back down and eats while you go into the living room to watch more tv.

Put the pitchforks down please. I'm sorry for how long it's been, but I have a reason(more like an excuse...) for the long break. If you noticed, this writing style is different, because I've been going for a more descriptive and interesting style. So I've been practicing for awhile. But, I'll try to update more. Anyway.....


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