Chapter 18: Double date time! Part 2

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You were walking down a crowded sidewalk with shops and restaurants lining it on both sides. No one was speaking, except to occasionally point out an item in a store window. Because Gold had already found a place to eat, he was walking in front of everyone. He also seemed to be the most excited about it, because he was humming and singing quietly as he walked. You couldn't make out many of the words, but you could occasionally hear the phrase, "What will we do with the drunken sailor?" "Well, here we are!" He stops suddenly, pointing to a restaurant beside him. You all entered and, after a moment, the waiter sat you at a table and handed you your menus. "So Gold, where've you been? I haven't seen you for awhile." You say after the waiter takes your order. "Oh, here and there. I've been working on a book for awhile. I think it's going pretty well."

Fourth wall break.

"So Jess," you say. "Why didn't you ever tell us that Gold was your boyfriend?" "Sorry, I didn't think I needed to mention it." She says as the food comes around to your table.

(Time skip brought to you by chara's constant 4th wall breaking)

You all start the walk back home. Amidst the talking, you heard your phone ring.

You: Hello?

Slenderwoman: (Y/N)! A rake broke into the house and everything's trashed. We need a place to stay for a few weeks Do you have anywhere in mind?

There was only one place you could think of... it's gonna be a long couple of weeks.

What's gonna happen? Actually, I'm pretty sure you all already know. Also, if anyone can guess the song Gold is singing, good job!

STAY GOLDEN!!!!!!!!!!!

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