Chapter 3: A new home a new family-part 2

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????????????: So, where is the new arrival? The others and I wish to meet him.

Benny makes a 'follow me' motion with her hands, so you and Jess walk out from below the staircase and you nearly yell. In front of you is a woman in a business suit with no face, and was nearly 7ft tall. Behind her were two other girls. One was a girl with brown hair, a green eye and a clock for another. She also had stitches around her mouth.

The other girl was in an orange jumper or track suit, and she had a white mask with feminine features. Just like Benny, Jess, and E.J, the three of them had slim and athletic body's.

????????????: Greetings new arrival. I am Slenderwoman, and this is Masky and clockwork. Now, what is your name?

You: Y/N L/N.

Slenderwoman: Well Y/N, I hope you enjoy your stay here.(She looks at E.J, who's just came down the stairs,) Have you shown him his room yet?

E.J: No, sorry. I forgot to. Should I do that now?

Slenderwoman: Yes, please do.(She turns back to you.) Breakfast will be in a few hours, but your welcome to have a small snack before then. We will be expecting you shortly.

Soon after, the group splits up, leaving you and E.J on the stairs. She gestures for you to follow her up the stairs, to which you comply wordlessly. You follow her until you reach the end of a hallway with a single door.

E.J: Here's your room. You've got a bed, a closet, and a mirror, but Slenderwoman will take you back to your house later to get your stuff. Hope you like it.

She leaves the room, leaving you to your thoughts. You decide to do what Slenderwoman said and lay Down on the bed. You close your eyes for a few moments, and soon you fall asleep...

"The dark is where horror hides, but is also where we hide from them..."


You wake up after what feels like a few hours, although you still feel airy, like your still dreaming... You pass it off as being sleep drugged, and go to where E.J told you was the bathroom to answer the call of the wild. As you get closer,you hear what seems to be chomping noises. You finally reach the bathroom door and open it, only to find a man in a bathtub that's full of ice. He was facedown with cuts right above his posterior. E.J was also sitting at the side of the bathtub, and you finally knew where the chomping noises where coming from. E.J had taken out the mans kidneys and  was eating them.

After a moment of pure fear and disgust, you vomit, and only then does E.J finally notice you. Although she has no eyes, she seemed to be surprised.

E.J: Y/N!? Oh no, you weren't supposed to see this... Look, I'm so sorry! This is something I have to do to live! I hope you understand...

You: No, it's ok. I was just surprised. I didn't expect to see you in here eating someone.

E.J: Wait, so your ok with it?

You: More or less. I've never been really scared by gore or anything. Besides, nothing I can do about it now, right?

A look of pure happiness crossed her face as she stood up and hugged you, the kidney still in her hand.

E.J: Oh thank you! I'm really happy that you're fine with it. I didn't think you would be, so I hid in here to eat. Anyway, everyone else is eating downstairs. Go ahead down there and I'll meet you after I clean up.

She lets go of you, gives you what you think might be a wink, and starts to clean up as you leave. You head down the stairs and, just as E.J said, everyone else was already eating, so you sat down beside them. As you looked across the table, you saw a large amount of food. There were platters of bacon and eggs, and at least three cartons of orange juice on the counter. You piled some bacon and eggs onto your plate and began eating.

If your wondering why I didn't add pancakes or waffles, it's because I don't like them. Deal with it.

Amongst the clatter of plates and small talk, you heard a voice:

Ah, there you are

It was clear and crisp, like she was speaking right in your ear. Almost as if she was talking to YOU...

I AM talking to you.

Wait, WHAT? How are you doing that?

Just a few tricks I know. So, how have you been? Its been awhile.

I'm sorry, but should I know you?

You....really don't...remember me? It's me...your best friend...Chara...

What!? Chara's here too?! Apparently. So I hope you all enjoyed the chapter, and I'm sorry it took so long to write. I've started school again and I've had a lot of papers to sign. But remember:


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