Chapter 10: The hunt (some of this is a lemon)

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You wake up suddenly to the pounding of footsteps outside your room.

Ej: Oh, y/n! Your finally up. Hurry up and get dressed, today's very important.

You turn to see Ej putting on her shirt and Mask. You get up and begin to get dressed as well.

You: So, what makes today so special?

Ej: We're going out to get food.

You: What's so special about that?

She pauses for a moment, then says with a grin,

"Guess you'll have to wait and see..."

You: I don't like the way you phrased that...

You both finish getting dressed and open the door to meet the chaos outside. Everyone was running everywhere for what was (in your mind) no real reason. You tried to take a step out of the doorway, but each time you did you would hit someone.

Ah, screw it.

You break out into a full run, and the immediate second you get out of the doorway, you hit someone and you both tumble to the floor.

Benny: Oh! Sorry, y/n.

You open your eyes to see Benny in clothes that were very......well, revealing didn't really begin to describe it.

You: B-Benny? What are you wearing?

Benny: Don't worry. Slenderwoman will tell you about it.

She leans into your ear.

Benny: Or... I could show you.

Before she could do anything else, Ej pulls her off of you. Benny let's out a disappointed sigh as Slenderwoman calls everyone downstairs. Ej motions for you to follow her and you both go downstairs to see what Slenderwoman wanted.

Slenderwoman: Alright everyone. It's time to go get more food. Benny and Jess will cover block 1 and 3, while clockwork and Masky can cover 2 and 5. I will do 4. Ej, you and y/n watch the house.

It's only now that you notice everyone except you and Ej were wearing outfits like Benny's, and had on realistic masks that you guessed were made by Clockwork. There were slight variations in the outfits in the form of color and shape, but all of them were very revealing. After a moment, everyone else leaves the house, leaving just you and E.j.

You: So, mind telling me what they were dressed like that for?

She thinks for a minute, then says,

Ej: I'll tell you later. Want something to drink?

///🍋🍋🍋LEMON WARNING🍋🍋🍋///

You: Sure.

You head to the couch as Ej goes into the kitchen.

Ej: There's some milk, orange juice, and lemonade. Which one do you want?

You: Ill have some lemonade.


You and Ej sit on the couch for awhile watching a movie and drinking your lemonade.



What do you think they're doing?

I think I might know, but it would be better for someone else to explain it to you.

As you and Ej continue to watch the movie, there's the unmistakable noise of the front door being opened. You hear a mans voice, which set off an alarm in your head.

Man: So, what did we come here for?

Jess: I thought this would be a good place to have a little "fun".

You let out a small sigh of relief, then jump as you hear the man Jess brought in scream. It wasn't like the ones you heard in movies. It was long a ragged, and it was pure terror.

After it finally ended, you and Ej go into the foyer to find Jess carving a smile into her victim. Her face was full of ecstasy as she did so. After a moment, she finally notices you and Ej.

Jess: Oh, hey guys. Ugh, I told Benny it would be a bad idea to get people like this.

She gestures to her outfit.

Jess: It's SO much easier to just go in the middle of the night to kill people, instead of dressing up in these outfits and trying to attract people. I've only gotten two so far, including this one!

You lean over to Ej and ask,

You: Is this what you wanted to tell me?

Ej: Pretty much.

A short time later....

Slenderwoman: Everyone? We're all back.

You and Ej head down the stairs to see Slenderwoman hauling a cooler that had an arm sticking out of it. Benny and Clockwork were arguing and Masky wasn't doing much of anything.

Clockwork: Benny, we told you this wasn't a good idea! Dressing up like this didn't help anything and, in fact, we just did worse than we normally do! We only got 13 people, Benny. 13!

Benny: Well it was better than your idea! Why would anyone visit a maid cafe?

Slenderwoman: Enogh you two! There's no point in arguing. Everyone just change and go to sleep. Oh, and Benny?

Benny: Yes?

Slenderwoman: Never make another recommendation again.

Alright everyone! I'm back where I live normally. It was fun at universal studios, though. Anyway hope you all...


Oh, here's a pic from my vacation( Without me in it, of course!)

Oh, here's a pic from my vacation( Without me in it, of course!)

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