Chapter 4: flashback to age six...

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"Chara, c'mon! We have to hurry, the floor is lava in 5 seconds!"

You turn around and see your imaginary friend, chara, running after you.

"Alright, y/n, I'm coming."

Chara, being your imaginary friend, has some non-human features, but not many. She had brown cargo shorts, a light green shirt with a light yellow stripe in the center, pale skin, natural blush, brown hair and deep, Crimson eyes. She was always nice to you, but she got pretty mad if someone was rude to you, and would spend hours saying bad things about them. Even though that happens at times, you still enjoyed having her around.

P.s, I thought you guys should know this: whenever I first saw the sprites for chara and frisk, I thought they were female. Even though I now know that they're Genderless, I still usually think of them as female. Hope you don't get angry by that(although some of you probably will...)

As chara hurried along beside you to reach a few boxes sitting on the ground. You and chara jump up on some of them, laughing. After a few moments, chara loses her balance and falls of the box she was standing on. She looks up at you and, holding out her hand, says jokingly,

"Y/n, help me!"

Realizing the joke, you lean down and whisper,

"Long live the king."


She falls to the ground, and a second later you jump down with her, laughing and rolling on the ground. She got up after a moment and dusted herself off, then leaned down and helped you up. A few seconds later, your mother opened the back door and yelled,

"Y/n, dinner time!!"

You yell back,

"Can chara join too?!"

"Of course she can, sweetie."

You turn over to chara, who looks really happy to be able to eat with everyone. When you first asked, the didn't seem to want to have chara at the table, but they got used to it. You both ran to the back door in a race, but she won because she had longer legs and was faster than you were.

You both sat down and had dinner, but not long after you had to go to bed. You entered your room and got into your bed, and told chara goodnight. The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was:

"Goodnight, Y/n."

That was the last you heard from her. She was gone the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that. She never came back. Until now....

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