Chapter 20: Home Is Where The Heart Is

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"Thanks for the ice cream y/n" Jewel says as you all walk back to your house. "No problem. So, what now?" You ask as you open the door. Benny runs in and starts up Monster hunter world. "Deviljho just popped up. Want to hunt it?"

Where my insect glaive boys at?

"Maybe later. I told Ej I'd go somehwhere with her." You say, grabbing your car keys. You turn to jewel. "Hold down the fort for me, alright?" She nods with a determined look. You nod to Ej and walk outside to your car. "So, where to?" You ask, pulling out of the driveway. "Maybe just dinner, then a walk through the forest?" "Sounds good to me." You say as you head to your favorite restaurant.

After a few minutes of driving, you reach (r) and walk in through the door, where a waitress greets you. "Welcome!" She says with a warm smile. "Table for two? Right this way." She leads you two a booth in the corner, with a window overlooking the road. "What drinks will you be having tonight?" "Water." "I'll also have water" Ej says. "Ok, I'll be back shortly." She leaves as Ej picks up a menu. She looks at you. "Are you eating anything?" She asks. "Oh, I've eaten here before. I already know what I want." She nods and looks back at the menu. "Too bad they don't have any kidneys.." She mumbles to herself. You let out a small chuckle as the waitress comes back with your drinks. "So, what will you two be having tonight?" "I'll take the grilled cheese." You say. "I'll have the liver plate." Ej adds. "Ok, I'll be back with your food shortly." The waitress says as she leaves. Ej looks back at you with a sarcastic smile. "Grilled cheese? Really?" You pretend to be offended. "I'll have you know, grilled cheese are delicious and easy to make! How can you not like them?" Ej sighs, then shrugs. "What am I gonna do with you? You're just like a little kid." You laugh. You continue to make light conversation until the food arrives. You both chow down on your food, occasionally making small talk between bites. "Man." You say as you finish your meal. "That was delicious. How was your meal?" She finishes and looks at you. "It was ok, but I wish they had kidneys." You pay for the meal, thank the waitress, and heard back to your car. You drive back to the woods and begin to walk around the woods. After a few minutes of walking, Ej links her arm with yours and leans into you as you walk. "Hey y/n?" "Yes?" You ask. "Thank you for doing all of this. Without you, I never would have had thought life could be this fun. Because of you, I got to experience the joys of a normal human girl. So thank you." She says. Her grip on your arm tightens as she continues. " We got to meet jewel, and all of your friends. If I never met you, none of that would have been possible." She finishes. You pull her into a hug. She's flinches from the sudden action, but returns the hug. "I'm happy to have met you too." You say, pulling out of the hug. She giggles, removes her mask, and pulls you into a kiss. You return it, and after a few moments, you both let go. "It's starting to get late," she says, looking at the full moon above you. "Let's head on back home." "Sounds good." You day, and hold her hand. You head back home, excited to see what this life would bring.


Finally done! Took me long enough lol. I've been doing a lot of stuff recently, so I haven't had any real time to work on this. But I figured I owe it to my readers (or at least what's left of them haha) to finish this. So, am I going to keep writing other books? Maybe. We'll have to see what life brings. See you guys another time!

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