Chapter 15: A New Day, A New Freind

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You wake up suddenly in the middle of the night to a growling stomach. You move carefully out of the bed, as to not wake up Ej, and head downstairs to the kitchen. You get yourself a leftover piece of cake and a glass of water. As you're eating, you hear a small thump at the bottom of the stairs. To your surprise, Jewel comes in. After seeing you, she puts her head down and walks to the the cupboard and tries to reach for a plate, but she isn't tall enough. "Do you want me to get you a plate?" You ask her. She nods her head and looks down. You walk over to her and get a plate for her. "I'm guessing you wanted more cake, right?" Another nod. "Here, I'll get it for you. Go sit at the table." She pulls up a chair and sits down. "So, What made you get up this late?" You ask her as you start slicing the cake. She doesn't respond at first, then says quietly, "Nightmare..." "Really? What was it about?" She looked down and didn't respond. You realized that she wasn't going to talk about it and sat down next to her, both of you eating your cake. After awhile, she spoke again. "Clowns...the nightmare was about clowns" "Yeah, that ones pretty common. You know what always helps me when I have a bad dream?" She looks up at you. "I sit back and think about all the things that make me happy. When I think hard enough, I usually feel a lot more happy." She closes her eyes and appeared to be deep in thought for a moment. She opened them up and smiled at you. "Thanks. I feel a lot better now. By the way, I never got your name?" "Y/n." You respond. "Ok. Thanks for the help. Goodnight, Y/n." She says as she finishes her food. "Goodnight."

Sorry that this one is short, but it was designed to be. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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