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Luna's POV:

Half way through the concert, Connie came to stand by me, to play her guitar, as this wasn't a backing vocal needing song, Connie and I went back to back and played our guitars.

It was probably like that scene in Emperors New Groove or something, when they're climbing up the rock, trying to escape the crocodiles.

We then got our 10 minute break, so I went to find a big bottle of water to down, preferably the one I bought earlier, that was chilling with my old bass in the backstage area.

I quickly ran towards it, as I was sweating as hell, chugged some of it, and out it back down, avoiding tipping any over me as I would be cold and sweaty if I wasn't careful.

I quickly retuned my bass for the last 9 songs, which were mainly me playing the piano and acoustic guitars with singing, but the last song was all instruments, guitars bass drums and kind of Screamo singing as well.

We rushed off to the stage, giving FVK high-fives as we ran, and I stopped at the keyboard, while Connie was handed a violin. This song was the most emotional for us, especially Connie because she wrote this about her sister who had died.

Her sister committed suicide, and Connie had found her, which was the worst possible thing that could happen, as Connie's sister was younger than her, barely started year 9 but was getting bullied.

She had cut herself until she bled out on the bathroom floor. Blasting My Chemical Romance. I promised her she would get to meet them, but she never got the chance too, as we were having band practice while she done it.

Connie snapped everyone out of daydreaming by starting the violin, and I quickly joined in. Charlotte was singing and Connie had to play violin for the first section of the song, and a tiny bit at the end.

You could see Connie emotionally breaking down while the song progressed, and I wanted to go and hug her, but I couldn't because piano was for the whole song. Blake started drumming lightly and I motioned for Connie to come over to me, as her violin part had finished for now, it had only been 3 weeks since her sister died, first time playing this song.

We had dedicated it to Sonia (Connie's sister) and all the other unrecognised people who had bled to death and killed themselves. Connie had basically written an anthem for them.

Connie dug her head into my neck, sobbing and making my shoulder wet, but I didn't care. Charlotte gave me a nod to say that I could hug her, and I gave her a one handed hug, still playing the piano.

The song finished, and I wiped her tears away and made sure she could play the last few songs.

We started the next song 5 minutes later and Connie had started being her normal self, jumping around but keeping a straight face, like me on my depressed days.

We went on to our last song, the Screamo song. I always loved the Screamo song because it was one of our first songs. Me and Connie would do the Screamo and Chloe and Charlotte would sing.

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