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Luna's POV

We could hear them performing outside, so we tried to stay quiet, which meant duct taping Chloe's mouth shut.

Charlotte had gone into a mad laughing fit while staring at Chloe, who we had to tie her wrists together for her not to grab the tape off her mouth, I doubted she would even try, as that would hurt when peeling it off her skin, especially her lips.

We could faintly hear singing in the background as FVK were performing, so it wasn't exactly quiet, Connie had given up and was polishing her guitar, as she had gotten a few scratches after getting hit with the microphone a few times.

We heard faint chatting from the other side of backstage, it couldn't be FVK because their music was still playing, so it was probably the other band that was touring with us.

I didn't pay much attention to it, as I frankly couldn't care less. I was too tired and sweaty to meet another band, so I decided to just polish my Bass, after FVK the show here would finish, then the Meet&Greets would start.

"Ugh, I hate Meet&Greets so much its not even possible" Connie complains, and I glance at Connie, "Why do you hate them?" I question, "Everytime we have them I get crowded, and I have anxiety as you know" She sighs.

“We'll make sure you don't get crowded then” Charlotte chimes in, and I nod, soon after FVK come back through the curtain, sweating like shit.

They dab themselves down with towels and place their instruments down on the guitar holders and stuff, and then walk over to where we are, “Goddamn it Chloe” I mutter, as she's put her head on my shoulder, asleep.

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