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Luna's POV

I pushed past all the crowd to either find Connie or find Charlotte, because if I found either of them I would find the others either with them or close.

I see Connies dyed light blue hair sticking out in the distance, so I rush towards that.

I push past tons of cosplayers just to get to them, risking breaking their costumes, and luckily I didn't.

“Shane and Laurence are selling books in the corner of the hall if you want one” I inform, “What kind of books?” Chloe questions, “I think its a kind of fantasy with some gore and stuff” I answer.

“I got 2 already because I saw them while I was looking for you guys” I laugh. “Where are they?” Charlotte asks, and I point to the top left corner of the hall, where they are.

“Lets go” Connie says, and starts staggering like shes drunk. “Shes drunk, dunno where she got alcohol though”

We were about 5 metres away, Connie was being held by Charlotte, so she wouldn't knock anything over.

“Woah” Connie giggles, “Connie I swear to Jesus Christ if you say anything I'll bury you outside” Chloe warns, making Shane, Laurence, Charlotte and I laugh.

“Has anybody told both of you how hot you both are?” Connie drunkenly slurrs and they both turn bright red. “Right I'm gonna go dig her grave” Chloe jokes, and pretends to walk outside.

She comes back, and smirks her face off, I take a glance at Shane, looking at his eyeliner, wondering, ‘How and Why the fuck can men do eyeliner better than me?’.

Once they all finally bought a book, the staff had started sending out warnings that it would close in about 5 minutes, so all of us except Connie helped put the remaining books in a bag, so it was easier to carry them out then to carry 20 to the rented minivan they had.

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