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Luna's POV

Kier ends up helping Chloe up, as she's like a turtle when she's on the ground, she can't get up, “Couple shows until ComicCon bitch!” Connie shouts as we fistbump, and I laugh.

We were at sound practice, making sure our instruments' chance of failure was small, and we were running a song each to make sure the microphones worked.

Thankfully, the show was an early one, because we were supporting act this tour.

We would start at approximately 8:00pm, and finish by 10:00pm, a quarter of the 2 hours would be Charlotte giving a speech.

Charlotte whispers in my ear that we were going to trip Connie up, which I reluctantly agreed too after Charlotte promised it would be on the foam mat.

I bent down to pretend to tie my converses laces, and Charlotte got Connie to stand and talk to her while I done it, and she pushed her, and she giggled as she landed on the mat.

Charlotte sees a flash of red and points it out to me, saying it could be Gerard and or the others, and I instantly run towards the pointed area, and I hear loud laughing and turn the corner to see Gerard and the rest of MCR, minus Bob.

“GEE!” I scream and run for a hug, and he holds his arms out. I then went for a hug from Frank, then Mikey then Ray.

“Kid I missed you!” Frank chuckles and I giggle. “Hows Bandit?” I question Gerard, “Restless and not letting me sleep as much as I want but I still love her” he answers and I grin.

“My bands about to go on stage, wanna say Hi to them and meet the headlining band?” I state and they nod, I lead them to where my band is, and lead them backstage to meet FVK.

I see Kiers dark reddish hair first, and a squeal of 'Shit its Gerard and MCR!' Which I laugh at and hope it was a crew member.

Gerard and Frank just then realise that its an all male band, and you can we the surprise on their faces. They all shake hands while my band and I sit down on the sofas provided.

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