A Gift

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I was wandering the halls, wondering where I was supposed to sleep. BlackHat called me a live-in maid, so I had to have somewhere to stay. As I walked, I came across 5.0.5.

"Oh! Hi 5.0.5!" I was pleased to see the cuddly bear.

He made some bear noises that I knew meant hello.

"Do you know where I'm supposed to stay?"

He nodded, and started walking away. I followed.

We were going around the maze of a house for around ten minutes when he stopped in front of a door. I noticed that the door was relatively close to the lab where I had seen Flug dance. My mind didn't understand it, but I was happy about that for some reason.

5.0.5 made some more grunts, and left.

I opened the door and walked in. It was a pretty nice room. The walls were maroon, and the bed had black blankets, black pillows, and a black sheet. BlackHat definitely followed a strict color code. There was a clock on the wall that said the time, 7:00. It was way later than I had thought. No wonder I was hungry, it was way past the time I'd eat dinner. I went further into the room, and saw that there was a maroon wardrobe. I was kind of drawn to it.

"What do I want to go to Narnia?" I opened the piece of furniture, and it had some folded up clothes and a post it note.

I understand you don't have  clothes, so I got some for you. -Flug

"Wow, kind much?" I gratefully accepted the gift however. 

Going through the pile, I found it had two white nightgowns, which looked like sewn up labcoats. Along with that it had a light grey hoodie, a few blue tank-tops, and a pair of jeans. Surprisingly enough, everything that was labelled were my size. I had to give it to paper bag head over there, he had a good eye for numbers.

I slipped off my clothes and put on one of the nightgowns. It was most definitely a sewn up lab coat, but it was pretty comfortable. The pajamas were a little oversized, but that was better for sleeping anyway. Putting on pj's made me feel sleepy, so I got into the bed. The sheets were black too. Soon enough, I was drifting off to sleep.

Flug's POV

"I sure hope she got the clothes," I was pacing back and forth in my lab. I looked at 5.0.5, who was looking out the window towards Y/N's room. "You think she got them right?"

He nodded and made some bear noises. 

I sighed and sat on my plush swivel chair, and spun around a few times. I was so anxious about it, and I had no idea why.

"There has to be a scientific answer to these feelings!" I started to type on my keyboard, determined to find an explanation.

~~~~~~~TIme skip to next day courtesy of Dr.Flug's nonexistent timemachine~~~~~~

Your POV

I sat up and rubbed my eyes in the bed. Looking over at the clock, I saw it was 8:00 am. Wow, did I sleep. At least I wouldn't be late for anything.I got up, and put on one of the blue tank tops Flug got me, the jeans, and the grey hoodie. All of the clothes felt great. Better than the undersized stuff I had to deal with before.

I headed out the door, hoping at least someone was awake. The house was completely silent, so I decided to check if Flug was in his lab. Looking in the window, he wasn't in there. Slightly disappointed for some reason, I went down to the main hall.

No one was there, but I heard snores coming from a door nearby. I cracked open the door, and BlackHat was sleeping in his chair at his desk. He was fully clothed, hat and everything. I closed the door as silent as I could.

My stomach rumbled. "I guess I could get some breakfast.

I made my way to the kitchen, and mentally complimented myself. It was nowhere near as dirty as it was before I cleaned it yesterday. I did a good job. Ignoring the head, I grabbed the carton of eggs from the fridge. Taking down a pan from the cupboard, I turned on the stove and started cooking around four eggs. I remembered I needed a spatula, so I looked around in the drawers until I found it. I scrambled the eggs, and slid them onto the plate. I let them cool down as I washed off the dishes I used.

When I began eating, I mentally complimented myself again. I did a damn good job for once. I heard footsteps from outside, but I disregarded them, I was too impressed with my breakfast.

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