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Louis's P.O.V

I can't believe I was almost a dad and I ruiend it I'm just glad I have her back I've missed her so much since I left and now I'm never letting her go again she's the only grl to ever make me feel like this I used to be a player and leave a trail of broken hearts everywhere I went until I found her now she's mine again and always will be I wont hurt her ever agian I make this promise to myself now and wont break it.

hey lets go downstairs so the rest of you not including Liam can get to know the girl that turned my life around


we all walked downstairs me and Liam sat on the two seater couch and Monica sat on my lap while Harry,Niall,and Zayn sat on the other couch then Harry asked the first question.

ok monica how did you change my friend here from a player to a lover

well that took a lot of work and wasn't easy I just kept him chasing me until he finally realized that if he didn't change soon he was never going to get me 


no and I'm not going to ell you the real way because that's for me and Louis to know not you

 fine how long have you and Liam been friends

scince he saved me from being bullied in the fourth grade two kids in the fifth rade took my books and wouldn't give them back to me I couldn't reach them because i was really short he came along acted like my brother and scared the kids off and they never bothered me aain and ever scince then anytime I had a problem I went to him because he was like the big brother I never had


ok now I know everyone wants to know this so ask for them how did you and Louis meet

I laughed at that one of all the questions in the world they ask that one haha

well I was visting Liam for the summer since it was the summer I would turn eighteen and my amily ahd moved to America a year ago and went for a walk I decided to get a new tatoo and a new piercing and after that I just drove around London somehow I ended up in Doncaster and stopped at starbucks as i was walking in a boy wiha bunch of tatoos walked by looked at me smiled and kept walking I walked in wondering what he was smiling about when I thought about what I was wearing and before you ask I'm not telling you any way back to what I was saying I got my coffee and sat down when the same guy came and sat down across from me and judging by the way he was acting I knew what he wanted so I played along and flirted when I got up to leave I gave him my number and told him to call me but in mmy head the whole time I was saying how much of an asshole he is if he thinks I would fall for him just like that,that night  he texted me and came over luckily Liam wasn't home because he would've killed me for what happened ater he showed up and to my suprise he actually wanted to start dating so I agreed but never told Liam until after I found out I was pregnant which he was mad at first then happy and that's how me and Louis met.


haha she didn't tell you what she was wearing but I can 

don't you dare 

why do think Liam will be mad 

no I was almost eighteen I don't care what he thinks

oh really you don't care what I think then how come everytime you get yourself in trouble you come to me plus I know why you don't want to tell me is beause you were probably wareing it because you went to the lub the night before got drunk and didn't want to tell me beause you new I would be mad and over protective like I've always been after the last time

damn you can read me like a book but Louis please don't tell 

fine I wont tell them you were wareing a tight black mini skirt witha stapless crop top that showed a lot of cleveage and ten inch highheel 

you were wareing what 

damn it Louis that's way I didn't want you to say anything you can kiss your chances of getting lucky tonight goodbye 


shut up you didn't get to see her in it 

and you wont eer get to see me in it ever again 


ha that's what you think 

and what is that suposed to mean 


And with that I picked her up and started carrying her upstaires to my bed room I yelled back to the boys goodnight over top of her screaming for me to put her down I walked into the room put her onto the bed and walked over to the closet grab that very outfit I loved on her so much and she already had on the heels this is going to be great I brought them out to her and gave her the close her eyes got big and started laughing which made me laugh because I knew exactly why she was laughing

you seriously stole this outfit from my closet when you left

its the only thing I had left of you

awww fine then I'll put them on just for you

I watched her walk into the bathroom and then come back out swaying her hips like she did the day we met this girl will be the death of me 

Vampire Love( Louis Tomlinson love story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now