When You're in Water

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Makoto was shocked. Those words were the exact same as what Haru had said to him. 'How?!  What happened while they went to train in Australia? Rin doesn't even deserve that! He was barely there for Haru. I was there alongside him the whole time!'  Makoto thought to himself.  

Sousuke looked over at the boy standing next to him, sensing his anger, "you okay?"

Makoto looked flustered but nodded. Makoto didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it at that moment, so Sousuke let the subject drop for now, he ought to bring it up later when they were alone.  

"Sousuke, by the way, I've come up with a plan. Just... Play along,"

"Wait, hold on, you have your swimsuit underneath right?" Makoto asked, making sure his plan would work.

"Yeah, of course. I knew we were probably swimming anyway." 

Makoto nodded as the two of them walk towards Rin and Haru. 

"Hey guys!" Rin waved enthusiastically. Sousuke half-heartedly smiled at Rin in return, throwing a quick glance at Makoto, whose expression seemed oddly calm for how he was just a few minutes ago. 

Makoto switched his attention immediately from Rin when Haru emerged from the water again, pulling of his swim cap and shaking out his hair. Makoto's face broke into a grin, seeing that Haru's routine hadn't changed. 

"Nice swim, Haru," Makoto walked to Haru's lane, extending his hand. 

Haru looked away from Makoto, "Not planning to get out yet," he replied simply, then directed his gaze at Rin. "Let's race again." 

Makoto felt his heart sink. It wasn't like he wanted Haru to not practice swimming or race with people - it's just that, he always allowed Makoto to pull him out, even if he was just going to get back in anyway. Makoto was distracted by his confusion, clouded by his thoughts, then remembered his plan.

Quickly, not knowing what else to do, Makoto turned to Sousuke desperately, "Sousuke! I want to race you in freestyle," those words grabbing Haru's attention. 

"But you don't swim free-" Sousuke stopped, seeing Makoto's determined expression, and sighed, "...okay, fine."

Both of them took off their clothes and threw it aside. "Rin, you count," Sousuke nodded towards Rin, who happily jumped out the water.

"Take your marks... Get Set.... GO!" 

Sousuke and Makoto dove into the water, the speed difference between them was obvious. Haru didn't understand why Makoto would race Sousuke in freestyle - freestyle - when he clearly knew Sousuke would win. The only time Haru had seen Makoto swim free, was when he wanted to race Haru. Still, he silently watched Sousuke and Makoto swim.

Sousuke turned first, several seconds before Makoto had. Makoto was out of breath, but continued to swim, even after his turn and using that chance to attempt and catch up, Sousuke was still ahead of him. It was an assured victory for Sousuke. 

After the last few meters, Sousuke touched the wall, looking back, and seeing Makoto just slightly behind him, then reaching the wall as well, panting and coughing slightly. 

"Hey, you good?" Sousuke asked. 

Makoto laughed, "Yeah, I'm fine. Nobody can beat you when you're in the water, Sousuke," he said, smiling, fully aware that Haru was watching him tensely. 

"Makoto, I need to talk to you," Haru said, climbing out the pool.

"What about our training?" Rin asked.

"Yeah. We'll continue later," Haru grabbed Makoto and pulled him to the changing room. 

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Makoto asked nervously.

Haru sighed, "Makoto, is something wrong? You've been acting really weird."

"No! Of course not... I just..." Makoto looked away, he couldn't bring himself to look at Haru. 

"If there's anything you want to tell me. Do it now," Haru demanded.

Makoto was close to blurting out the whole plan but he stopped himself. He could see that Haru cared about him, although it might not seem as obvious at times, but Makoto couldn't help feel jealous with how much time Haru had been spending with Rin. The moments Makoto had with Haru didn't seem as special anymore, and that pained Makoto.

'Does Makoto not trust me enough to tell me what's going on with him?'  Haru thought to himself, Makoto could see the shift in Haru's expressions and that he looked hurt. Makoto was about to comfort Haru but he interrupted him.

"You know what. You don't have to tell me. I'm going back," with that, Haru turned away from Makoto and walked back to the pool, diving into the water.  

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