Sweet Confessions

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Makoto's eyes lit up like the sun shining through a dark forest. He genuinely thought that Haru would hate him after hearing about the plan. 

"Haru! Are you being serious right now!?" Makoto asked, as his heart filled with happiness.


Makoto stood facing Haru, eyes wide open. His mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as they could stretch.

"Are you gonna kiss me before I change my mind?" Haru asked, teasingly. 

Makoto watched how Haru turned to face Makoto, not fully, but just enough so that he could see the beauty the dolphin obtained. He truly admired it. Him. 

Without thinking, impatiently, Haru grabbed Makoto face. His eyes full of passion and love. Makoto could feel his desire like it was a rebound off his heart and Haru's lips slowly move onto his. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. As he pulled away, he could see Haru clearer and the world around them crumbled, broke down and disappeared. 

"Makoto, I've always loved you. You know that don't you?" Haru whispered into Makoto's ear softly, sending shivers down Makoto's spine.

Makoto gulped. Knowing Haru was so close, all he could think about was the warmth he had felt just a minute ago. 

"Yes, Haru..." 

Haru's lips curved up, hoping Makoto wouldn't notice the red that was stained on Haru's cheeks which decided that it was time that they showed themselves. 

More. Was all Makoto could think about. The world spun around him. He loved this side of Haru even though he had never seen it before. 

"So Makoto, was this all you wanted from me? Just one kiss? Or something else..." Haru said looking sharply into the green forest that he had already gotten lost in. 

"Haru, there's a lot more I want from you, but right now, I can't have all those things." 

Haru smirked, knowing Makoto was lost in the deep ocean that only he had the control over. No one else could make Makoto feel like this. No one. 

Haru pushed Makoto onto the bed which, he didn't realise was right behind him. 

"Haru!" Makoto said, falling onto the soft sheets. Makoto looked around, confused. "How did.... How did you just get me into the bedroom when we were just in the living room?" 

"Because I'm a genius that's why!" Haru said, sarcastically. 

Makoto rolled his eyes and smiled sheepishly at Haru. 

"You're so cute..." Haru said, reaching up to ruffle Makoto's hair.

Makoto admired Haru, just by watching his actions, you could learn so much from him, even though he didn't say much. 

"I'm still mad at you though. Why didn't you tell me before this?! We could have started dating!" Haru exclaimed.

"I was scared you didn't feel the same..." 


Then silence followed. It wasn't an awkward silence. It was a beautiful silence Makoto and Haru often had, but this time, it seemed to be lit with fireflies and beautiful lights which described exactly what both of them were feeling inside. 

Haru lay down on Makoto's chest, pulling him into a life long hug. Makoto wrapped his arms around Haru without hesitation and shifted his body so that they would be more comfortable. As Haru broke the hug, Makoto smiled and blushed just thinking about his first kiss with Haru. 

"Makoto, promise me you won't ever lie to me again." 

"I promise." 

Those were the last words that were said before they went back into their beautiful silence that seemed to have lasted an eternity. Haru relaxed, listening to Makoto's steady heartbeat which he wished would never stop. 

Haru pulled away, biting his lip nervously. Just by looking at Makoto, he wanted nothing more than to feel the warmth that spread from Makoto's lips. 

"Haru, if you really want to kiss me, you can." Makoto smirked, knowing exactly what Haru wanted. 

"Shut up..." Haru said as his cheeks are suddenly kissed pink like a spring rose, the blooming colour so cute against his skin.

Makoto chuckled and pressed his lips back on Haru's, deciding to trust him. 

"So are we just gonna do this all day?" Haru asked, not that he didn't want to kiss Makoto all day, he could do it for an eternity but he thought that if Sousuke and Rin dropped him off here to hang out with Makoto, they should do something else. 

"What else do you want to do?" 

"I don't know..." 

Makoto lay back, taking a deep breath. Haru just lay his head on Makoto's chest, wanting to listen to his heartbeat again. Haru felt his eyes heavy down on him, his thoughts fading away. 

"Haru, you can sleep if you want to, I'll be here when you wake up." Makoto said, holding Haru close, protecting him. 

Hearing Makoto's words, his mind went into free fall, swirling with the beautiful chaos of a new dream.

"Rin! Where the hell did you go?" Sousuke said, looking for Rin in every corner of the dorms. 

Sousuke walked around cautiously, hoping Rin didn't run away from him because he didn't like Sousuke back. The black haired boy sat down in defeat. "What was I thinking? A guy like Rin would never like me.." Sousuke thought out loud. 

He covered his face with his knees, acting as if they were bleeding inside walls, nobody could see through. He felt like his heart was stabbed. No. It's worse. It wasn't any guy who just ran off after Sousuke confessed everything, it was Rin. Only a lover such as Rin can cause pain as deep as this. Only one, and that one was Rin. He could make his way inside my heart and shatter it with just a few actions. Sousuke let his eyes close, trusting them to take him into a peaceful place other than here. 

He sat there for a good 30 minutes, until he heard a very familiar voice talking. 

"Yeah, so that happened. I don't know where he is now though, I don't know what to say to him when I see him." 

Realising that it was Rin, the one who completely broke him a few minutes ago, he quickly got up and ran to the janitor's closet, quietly closing the door. He slid down, sitting on the hard, cold pavement. He sat and watched as his vision of the filthy floor fogged up with tears, and soon enough all he could see was blotches of colour. He let a tear fall down his cold cheek, thinking that it would turn to ice because of the cold walls he had built, protecting himself from anything that came his way. 

Sitting and thinking about his confession, Rin's reaction, his thoughts were interrupted by another important one. "I have to drive Rin home...

He stood up, taking a deep breath of the air. He opened the door and walked to his car. To his surprise, he found Rin. 

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