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After training, Makoto and Sousuke dropped off Haru and Rin at their hotel, then went to Makoto's house to discuss the plan. 

"You want to go to my room or stay in the living room?" 

"Whatever you're comfortable with, I honestly don't care." 

As Sousuke started making his way upstairs while Makoto closed the front door and followed him. 

"So, have you thought about the my suggestion?" 

"Yes, I have. I've decided to join because after the whole scene at the swimming pool, I just-"

"I get what you mean."

"Thanks, Sousuke."

"You got any ideas?"

"Well... I don't know... I was thinking you had some already, since you were the one who dragged me into this." 

"I was thinking of something like making up some scenario that Haru was doing something to Rin behind his back." 

"Well, if we are doing that, I'm backing out." Makoto declared. 

"Fine." Sousuke said, annoyed. An awkward silence lay in the room before Sousuke said, "what about playing the same game that they are?" 

"What do you mean?"

"You know like making them jealous too."

"I'm listening..."

"We could pretend like we are dating or something- if you want..."

"So.... You're saying we should try and see if they will get jealous if we start dating?" 

"Well... Yeah basically, but we will go as far as we need to, to make them jealous." 

"Okay... Deal, but we are NOT going as far as kissing. I am not certainly not kissing you."

"Yeah. I'll think about that tonight," Sousuke said, "anyways, I need to head home now, I have some homework to do."

"Okay.." Makoto answered. 



SharkBoy: Heyyyy;)

SharkBoy: So Haru and I want to go to the cafe Makoto suggested this morning

SharkBoy: We can go to the cafe tomorrow morning.

s.yamazaki: Sure

s.yamazaki: I guess. You guys should ask Makoto too

SharkBoy: We will. We were thinking of surprising him at his house

s.yamazaki: Yeah. You could do that

SharkBoy: Can we use your car?

s.yamazaki: Yeah. I'll come pick you guys up

SharkBoy: Ok. Goodnight, sweet dreams;)

s.yamazaki: Goodnight Rin




s.yamazaki: Hey Rin. I'm here at your hotel. 

SharkBoy: We'll be there in a few.


"Rin!" Sousuke shouted and waved so that the red-headed boy could see him.

Rin and Haru slowly approached Sousuke, both of them dressed in practically the same clothes. 

"Did you guys plan to wear the same clothes?" Sousuke asked suspiciously. 

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