The Finale

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"Hey," Rin said, straightening his posture, "sorry about earlier. It's nothing personal, I just panicked."

"Yeah, no, it's fine. I didn't know what I was thinking.." Sousuke replied simply, beginning to turn away, but Rin grabbed Sousuke by his shoulders.

"Listen, I left because I didn't know how to respond and I needed time to think about it. What I'm trying to say is that - I don't know - I also share the same feelings, I guess?" Rin blushed. 

Sousuke looked down at the floor, processing all the information, "So.. you like me?" he asked.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't think too much of it."

Both boys - who were happy that they were able to confess their feelings - smiled at each other, lingering for a while, before entering the car to go back.

"One more thing, Makoto?" Haru said.


"Thank you for everything," Haru murmured, drifting off in Makoto's arms.

Haru woke up a while later, turning slightly to see that Makoto had also fallen asleep. He kissed the boy's cheek and got out of bed, careful to not wake Makoto.

Haru prepared the mackerel for when Makoto climbs out of bed and left a note for him as well. Haru changed into his swimsuit and went in the water-filled bathtub, shutting the door behind him.

Haru immersed himself in water, thinking over what had just happened, a tiny smile forming and he could feel his face heat up. 

Soon enough, Haru heard footsteps and the bathroom door opened, "Hey, Haru-Chan, I saw your note!" Makoto greeted, extending his hand once again, just like the old times. 

Grinning, Haru took Makoto's hand and replied jokingly, "I thought we agreed not to call me that."

"I love you, Haru..." 

"I love you too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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