What Jealousy Does

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"We're not dating!" Rin exclaimed, "hold on - that's besides the point. You two are DATING?!" 

Sousuke sat down and put an arm around Makoto, "Yeah. We were thinking about going on double dates with you two, but since you both aren't dating, it wouldn't really be like a date... you guys should come along anyway."

Haru eyed Makoto as if to confirm all the information he had just received. Makoto just hoped that he didn't see through their lie, since Haru knew him so well. 

Rin was emotionally, all over the place, questioning Sousuke about how he didn't mention any of this in his texts and emails. 

Makoto laughed and glanced at Haru to see what he thought about all this, but Haru remained silent, his face not giving anything away.

Although, Haru could tell that there was something wrong - missing - with this whole thing, but he decided to just believe them for now and not question anything.

"So, uh, are you guys going to come?" Makoto asked hopefully. 

"Yeah, whatever. What about you, Haru?" Rin answered.

"I guess... " Haru looked away. He felt a strange emotion rise up inside of him, anger? Irritation? He wasn't quite sure of why.

"Ok.. great! We'll leave at 5:00PM today, see you two later this afternoon," Makoto tried to smile at Haru, but he wasn't looking at him.

After the two pairs parted ways, Rin spoke up.

"Hey, Haru.. I hate to say this but.. I'm really not looking forward to this afternoon," Rin said.

"We could cancel," Haru replied simply.

"Huh? No. I mean.. I know I should feel happy for Sousuke, but I just can't! I've tried to," Rin let out a frustrated noise.

Haru switched his gaze forward, "I know how you feel," he said quietly.



"As long as Sousuke's happy with Makoto, right?"

Haru tensed, and Rin knew he was hiding something. "What is it, Haru?" Rin demanded.

"I told you - it's nothing. Just forget about it," Haru avoided eye contact.

"It's something about Makoto right?"

Haru nodded reluctantly. "Look, it's ok. You don't have to be so cold and hide your emotions all the time," Rin joked, nudging Haru, trying to lighten up the mood.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not hiding my emotions."

"Damnit, Haru," Rin said, laughing.

Later that day, Makoto and Sousuke picked them up and drove to the restaurant.

They were waiting in line for a table, the four of them stood in silence. Sousuke decided that it would be more convincing if him and Makoto acted more like a couple, so he started some small talk with the others.

"I'm kinda nervous. I mean I haven't really gone on a date with anyone before..." Sousuke smiled at Makoto. Unaware of the two boys looking at them enviously.

"You'll be fine." Rin muttered with slight aggression in his voice.

"Thanks..?" Sousuke answered awkwardly, noticing the anger in Rin's voice. 

"There's probably no mackerel here though, Haru," Makoto grinned, changing the subject quickly.

"I don't care," Haru said, surprising Makoto with his unusually cold tone.

Makoto was about to question Haru, but then the waitress came to bring them to their table. 

After ordering their food, Makoto tried to make conversation with Haru, but Haru wasn't interested in talking at all, Sousuke and Makoto soon realised that it was the case for both Rin and Haru.

A few minutes had passed, Makoto couldn't stand the tension in the atmosphere, so he got up to take a break, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"I'll come with you, said Haru, who understood Makoto's actual intensions. 

"So, uh, Haru.. you wanted to talk with me?" Makoto inquired anxiously.

"What's the deal with you and Sousuke?" Haru asked, cornering him and locked eyes with Makoto.

"I-I told you! We're dating-" Makoto stammered, but interrupted by Haru.

"Not that! You're acting weird when I'm around. I know there's something that you aren't telling me, you're hiding something from me!" The boy's blue eyes sparkled with betrayal and pain, "Do you not trust me anymore?!"

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