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Chapter 2

December 15th

(Demi's POV)

So I have an interview today with Ellen, Sydnee is back stage because she won't let me go anywhere without her being I'm 9 months and Keagan is due any day now, I'm on my way to the stage "Please welcome the beautiful and talented Demi Lovato Hensenn everyone!!!" (Claps and cheers in the audience) I'm waddling there and we hug and I sit, "so is Sydnee here?" I nod and blush while smiling really big, "wanna bring her out!? Come one everyone" "baby come here!" Sydnee showing her cute smile walks out in her checkered sweater and snake skin SnapBack with her jeans and high top Jordan's "hey everybody!" She signs some thing and hugs a few fans then makes her way to Ellen and then me, I stand there and blush and then look down but she catches my chin and kisses me softly then my nose and head, we get all the "awes and claps" then I sit in her lap, half way through the interview I feel a little weird like I need to pee, I stand up to adjust my pants and I laugh at how Sydnee checks me out and then the worst thing possible happens..... My water breaks.. I stand there in shock and in pain "baby?" She quickly stands up and gets in front of me, she looks down and see's water coming down my leg "please tell me your prankin me love" I shake my head no and then that's when she does what I knew she would do "she turns around and tells Ellen, she smiles and nods, I reach for Sydnee's hand and grab it squeezing hard taking out my pain "fucking hell!" She yells and bites her lip, she picks me up and rushes out to the car, we get in and she's shaking, I grip her thigh and tell her it's okay, she doesn't listen though "Mar!! Demi's water broke I need you to use the spare key and get the bag next to the front door hurry! And tell Eddie Diana and the rest!" She hangs up without letting her speak and rushes me to the hospital they get me checked in and everything and then after a few second Sydnee walks through the doors, "darling are you okay? Do you need water? More blankets and pillows? A nurse? H-" I cut her off by pulling her into me and kissing her she relaxed immediately and rubs my cheek "I love you princess" "I love you more" I say against her lips kissing her one more time the doctor comes in and tells me it's time to push, Sydnee gets her suit on and holds my hand kissing my head as I push this little girl out of me I scream at Sydnee "you did this to me!!" "Fuck!!" "Ahhhhh!!!!" And so much more after 2 more pushes we hear a scream and crying "Sydnee I love you so much" I say "I love you so much more" she kisses my head and cuts Keagan's cord then minutes later she comes back holding our little bundle of joy, "Hello there princess" she smiles tears coming from her eyes as she talks to her we see her little eyes open as she yawns "baby she has your big blue eyes" I whisper "she has your perfect lips darling, and she has your smile and nose" I giggle seeing it "but she has your hair and ears" I smile, we see a flash and see my family walk in, Marissa shows us the picture and we love it after a while they all leave and Sydnee gets into the bed with me as we sleep watching our beautiful baby girl dream peacefully, in the morning we sign papers then after our welcome home party we lay with Keagan and take a picture of her sleeping with both us kissing her cheeks and leave the title (Welcome Keagan May Hensenn everyone, 12-15-14) we cuddle up and drift off after our eventful week...

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