4.Of Monsters And Men

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Sorry the chapters are so short. I will try to start making them longer.

Also please remember to comment or vote, as it helps give me the confidence to continue writing.

Shayne :)

.*.*.Chapter 4.*.*.

In the end Lilly hadn't come over, she had texted saying something about having a date night with Sam and that she would call me later.

I had been sitting in the hanging egg swing out on the deck drawing up some concepts for a new project in my painting class. It had been late afternoon. The warm summer breeze was starting too cool a bit and the sky had taken on a beautiful orange, giving the fields and trees that spread out in front of me a gorgeous glow.

That was the last thing I remembered.

Now it was dark and I was trapped. My body tossed and turned violently, my hair whipped around my face and covered my eyes blinding me. I was cold, so cold my skin stung like a million blades of ice was cutting into me. I opened my mouth to scream but only coldness entered my mouth and silenced me.

I was drowning.

The water showed no mercy as it threw me around like a rag doll.

I tried to kick up but I couldn't tell which way was up and which way was down.

Panic seized me and I blindly flung my arms out trying to feel for something to grab onto. My hand bashed into something hard and coarse, rocks. I curled my fingers creating more friction in hope that my fingers would catch in a grove of the rocks.

The current was moving fast and the soft flesh of my hand was starting to graze.

I felt a nail break just my fingers hooked into a ridge of a rock yes! Hope shot through my veins and I started to pull my body towards the rock.

I soon had a better grip and pulled myself up. My head burst through the surface and fresh air instantly assaulted my lungs as I took a huge breath in, I began coughing up water I had swallowed as I pulled myself to the edge of the river.

I crawled up onto the grassy bank, limbs aching from fighting for my life with the water.

My now semi see-though white cotton dress felt heavy as it clung to my skin, exposing my gently glowing flesh.

I felt exhausted and vulnerable.

What am I even doing here I thought.

I was so busy recovering I didn't realise I wasn't alone.

"That was quite an entry" his voice was smooth like liquid honey and invaded my mind easily.

Mmmm my mind momentarily fogged, I felt drawn by an unknown pull and started to crawl towards the trees.

I wanted to find its owner, I wanted to.. I wait what?

My sense kicked in and I realised I was dripping wet, practically naked and crawling like a crazed cat on heat into the darkness of the trees towards a stranger who I couldn't even see.

But he could see me. I felt his eyes burning me.

Eww creep. Who hides in bushes in the night.

I squinted into the darkness and could just make out a dark form leaning on a tree casually.

I felt an urge to cover myself and rapped my arms around my chest. In doing so I heard him sigh disappointedly.

fucking pervert.

"Who are you and what the hell you doing on my land?" I snapped.

Liquid honey voice laughed, "well your a feisty one aren't you Ana. Technically this isn't your land, yours is further upstream isn't it?"

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