Chapter 1: Silver Tears

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Somedays, I wish that my life would never come to an end. At those times,I would imagine my own happy moments. Yet, sometimes I wish I could just end my misery. That way, I wouldn't be so hurt anymore...


I open my eyes and immediately feel the heavy sorrow. The tragic memory of last night all come rushing back.

My dad...he's dead. They found him lying down on the floor. It turns out he suffered heart attack. I wanted to rush him to the hospital so badly. Yet,we were too late,not to mention our financial problems. I can't forget my dad's cold body on the floor. He looked so lifeless. The way they buried him on the ground...

I shake my head,wanting to forget that before tears start welling up my eyes.

My family, the Porter family, isn't known to be rich in our neighborhood. We still had to work hard in order to survive. With my dad gone, I would have to work at the café everyday after school and maybe give up my education and social life. It's the only way we could bring my younger sister, Lindsay, her future. Also, we all needed food on our table three times a day.

I put on my black knee-length dress and grabbed my black purse. Before opening my bedroom door, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I had bloodshot eyes from my lack of sleep and my endless crying last night. I sighed, trying to make myself composed and poised for my mother and sister. I have to be the strong one here, even if it hurts inside.

The stairs creaked as I made my way down.

"Mom, are you ready to go?" I let my voice hover around the room.

"Yes, dear Stella. Just a second," I heard her call out.

I finally saw them. My mom,still as pretty as ever, yet her pained expression and bloodshot eyes made her look vulnerable. Lindsay's stunning outfit along with her heartbroken countenance painted the perfect picture of innocence and beauty. I couldn't bear seeing my family in this broken state.

I felt a hand touching my arm. I turned around and saw my mom giving me a reassuring yet weak smile. I tried to give her one too, but my eyes betrayed me as tears sprang out of my eyes.

My mom grabbed mine and Lindsay's hands, leading us to my dad's grave in the cemetery just a few blocks away.

Every heavy step we took I dreaded. I heard my mom suck in her breath as we reached our destination.

"John, nice to see you. Thank you for coming in such a short notice," she told Pastor Smith,our family friend.

"Anytime, Isabelle. I give you my deepest condolences. Edward was a great man," Pastor Smith kindly told her.

We all sat down on the grass together. It was just us since we decided to have a private funeral instead. My mom got up to say some words.

"My love, Edward Porter,you will forever be my husband. Your smile never failed to bring me up. Your legacy will always live. You loved me regardless of my mistakes, Edward. You raised up these beautiful daughters of ours into great ladies. Thank you, Edward. Thank you for making my world beautiful. I will always love you and remember our little infinity of love,"she whispered as she shed great tears.

I got up next, shaking from what my mom said. It was beautiful. I really saw the love they have for each other through my mom's eyes.

"Dad," I breathed,"I would never be here without you. Do you remember the time I fell? You told me you'd never leave me...where are you now?! I miss you,Dad! I love you so much! Dad,you promised to fight. You promised to remain strong! Dad, I should've been there when you had your heart attack. I was so foolish! I'm so sorry. I promise to live my life in such a way that you told me to, according to God's purpose. You saved me, Dad, you gave me hope. I remember those Scripture readings you read to us every night. Even though you were so worn out, you still did. You are always there for us, and I know that will never change. You are the best dad ever. We love you, Dad."

"Oh, Stella,"my mom gasped with tears on her eyes.

I heard Lindsay stifle a sob. She shouldn't be going through this. She's just an innocent seven-year old. I silently vowed to help her get through this.

We got up hand-in-hand after thanking Pastor Smith once again. Once we reached home,I excused myself and quickly dashed to my room. I shut the door and let myself drown into my own words...

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