Chapter 2: Make the Best

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"Emma couldn't believe who she bumped into. Prince Philip,with his tantalizing hazel eyes and shining chestnut hair, was standing right in front of her. He was even offering her a carriage ride around the palace garden! It was too good to be true. It was as if the sun was smiling at her. First, her dad got a job in the palace stables. Now, she meets the prince! Everything was turning out the way she wants it to be..."


*knock* *knock*

"Come in," I said,still dazed from the distraction from my deep writing.

I was so engrossed in writing my own story that I jumped and bumped my head against my bed.

"Stella? Are you okay?" my mom asked,worry written all over her face.

"Yes, Mom, I was just writing my story,"I told her and tried to fake a smile.

"That's great, dear," she said as she kissed my forehead and left.

I gave a sigh of relief. My mom already had so much to worry about. I closed my laptop and decided to leave myself with my thoughts this time, having being totally contented on what I had written so far.

Couldn't I just live in my own stories? I had written my imagination of a perfect happy ending anyway. That way, I wouldn't be experiencing this great pain and grief everyday.

I drifted off with that thought still deep in mind...


I found myself standing on a grand stage. There was no source of light aside from this glowing spotlight shining down on me. I looked around. No one seemed to be around.

Just then,a huge orb of glowing light appeared and made its way towards me.

Instinctively, I folded my arms together delicately. Then I gracefully made them swirl in opposite directions. After that, I twirled around and put my hands up, forming the letter "v."

I was taken aback with what I did. I didn't even notice that I closed my eyes until I had finished. I opened them and saw a huge gleaming mirror right in front of me. I saw myself dressed in a black tutu and gold ballet flats. I look extremely different, bolder.

I didn't recognize myself for a second there. I touched the mirror and find my hands going through it. How is this possible? I pulled them away and saw that they're perfectly normal.

I tried walking through the mirror this time. Surprisingly, I was taken to another world when I did so.

I took in the environment I was in, a forest, with a small cottage nearby and a gleaming river with blooming roses...quite familiar. I've been here before, I know this from somewhere...

I'm in Wales! That's it, the place where Emma meets Prince Philip! My mind was racing...did I teleport? This is wonderful!

Oh...right. I'm sleeping back home! I must be dreaming! What a shame this is! I decided to play along and enjoy it while it lasts. I ran around and discovered different wondrous places. I didn't realize how magnificent the world I created is!

Time ticked by so fast. By the time I felt exhausted,it was already sunset. I sat on the grass by the river and started cleaning my now muddy gold ballet flats.

After a while of gazing at the sky,I fell into a deep sleep...


It was early Monday morning by the time I woke up. That was a nice dream I had! I stretched my arms and wore my pink bunny slippers. I checked my phone for the time.


Great,I barely have time for the 30-minute trip to school. I took a quick shower and put on a pink knitted sweater and a pair of jeans. I grabbed my gold backpack and stood up to open my bedroom door and headed down.

"Bye,Mom! Bye Lindsay!" I say as I see them wave back and go on their way to Lincoln Middle-school, Lindsay's school.

By the time my phone read 6:30, I was already standing near the bus stop,waiting for my school bus to come by.

I heard a loud screech and looked up to see my school bus come to a stop. I quickly went up the bus and saw that the bus was quite packed.

I started cautiously walking down the aisle to find a seat as the bus came to a go. I looked around and spotted a seat beside Jason Lancaster, the football quarterback.

"Hey, Stella! Looking good! How are you,"he asked me with a big smile on his face as I took my seat.

"Great, thanks, Jason," I said as I smiled back.

Jason was a great guy. The only problem about him was that sometimes he can get a bit...loud.

The rest of the bus ride was filled with silence. The next thing I know, it's already 7:00 am and we have already arrived in school.

I went down the bus and saw my best friends, Candice Lewis and Bryce Anderson, standing by Sunshine High School's entrance. They spotted me and waved me over.

"Hey, how are you?" Candice asked me with concern evident in her voice.

"I'm fine, thanks" I told her with a happy expression.

Bryce simply glanced at me with a questioning look, still worried for me. I answered him with a great smile and an enthusiastic nod.

"This is going to be a great day,"I said as I grabbed both their arms and led us inside.

Deep inside, I know I'm not lying. I'm going to do my best to enjoy this day. I have to put my grief behind me and bring joy to my best friends. It's time for another fresh start.

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