Chapter 5: Prince Philip

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To be honest, Emma's quite nice to have as an acquaintance. Her voice and words can really hit greatly, making it feel like everything's going to be fine.

I secretly wish I could be like her, to light up every dark corner. She's like this ray of sunshine. I'm really grateful that I met her, to brighten up my mood.

"Thanks, Emma," I told her, smiling.

"For what?" she asked me, confused.

"For easing my nerves and listening to my countless complaints?"

She laughed at that and murmured a simple "you're welcome."

We walked around the rest of the day. I have to admit, I'm getting dizzy from the piercing long have I been dreaming anyway?

"Woah, go easy there," a deep voice said.

I snapped my head up. I can't believe it... It's the Prince, Prince Philip, standing right in front of me.

"Uh...," I mumbled, being the idiot I am.

"We're sorry," Emma said with an apologetic smile on her face.

Whew, that was embarrassing. I mentally thanked Emma for saving the day...again.

Prince Philip laughed his luscious laugh. His chestnut hair gleamed under the sunlight, and his hazel eyes were shining with amusement and delight.

He's exactly like I pictured him to be. In fact, the way I pictured him to be seems ill-fitted compared to what my eyes are beholding on. Just the way I wrote him to be, every girl was sure to swoon over his charms...every girl, that is, except I'm not like this other girls, simply falling for a guy just for his charms.

Don't get me wrong, he's my character, one that I really like. Yet, I haven't truly discovered who he's really going to be just yet. I only know that he meets Emma, and that he's Emma's dream guy, that's all. So, I can't be sure about him just yet.

He winked at us and said," And who are these wonderful ladies I have the pleasure of bumping into?"

"I'm Stella, and my friend here's Emma," I said, as Emma seems to be too mesmerized to speak.

"Hm...Emma, my dear? May I steal your friend, Emma here, for the day?"

"Of course," Emma said as she suppressed a giggle.

I alarmingly stole a glance at Emma.

What is she thinking? I'm not going with him!

She gave me a reassuring smile and playfully nudged my arm. She really expects me to go with him, to be...happy.

Sigh, I guess I have to go with Your Highness now.

He held out his arm, and I took it, not wanting to disappoint Emma. I could tell that she really wants me to go with the Prince to have fun, to leave my glum expression behind. Besides, there nothing to lose, right? It would be nice to see the palace gardens, anyway.

"Where are we going?" I curiously asked him.

"To the palace gardens, on a carriage ride."

What?! Isn't he supposed to bring Emma on a carriage ride to the palace gardens? No, no, isn't supposed to be me. Wait a minute, this is just a dream. It's not like something bad would happen.

I just smiled and went in the grand carriage. This is going to be a looong day.


I could feel and even smell the fresh air as the horses go galloping about. I have to admit, I really am enjoying this.

"So, where are you from?" Prince Philip asked me casually.

"I'm from...Chicago."

I decided to tell him where I really come from. It wouldn't do any wrong, anyway.

"I'm afraid I haven't been there."

"You're not really missing out," I said with a snort.

"Oh? Why so?"

" gets really crowded and busy there. Besides, what do you expect from a big city anyway? It hasn't really been good for me back home..."

"What do you mean?"

"None of your business," I snapped before I even registered what I was saying.

I bit my lip. I didn't mean to say that at all! I glanced at him, he looked extremely pained. That confused me. Why get so pained? It's not like we've known each other for a while.

He stayed silent for a while. Good, at least he didn't press any further. I'm afraid that I'm going to hurt him even more if he does.

The carriage halted to a stop. I observed where we are right now. Flower beds, colorful trees, a stream...we're here! We're in the palace gardens! Wow...everything is depicted exactly the way I wrote it to be.

Crimson-red roses were everywhere, my favorite! This is wonderful! As if on cue, I could see the sunset from the horizon. I sighed, this is...this is beautiful. In fact, "beautiful" isn't even enough to express what I see right here, right now. I can't find any word fit to describe this scenery which my eyes are currently dwelling upon.

"Stella, welcome to the palace gardens," Prince Philip breathed, his hazel eyes glittering like golden coins under the sky.


OKAY. This is getting exciting! I can't wait to have you guys read the upcoming chapters! Thank you for readingggg! Woaaaah! Over 120 reads and 15 votes?! I looooveeee you guys!

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