Special Chapter: Inspiration

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Hi! As you guys have read, I won't be posting for a while due to a trip! Okay, remember the surprise I told you about? THIS IS IT! :D Being the "little poet" I am, I decided with share you guys some of my poems connected to this book! Not only are they related to this book, but it might make you guys...think and relate! Feel free to ask me to write some more (I love writing poems), ask for the interpretations (though you guys are welcome to interpret them your own way) by posting on my Message Board, writing me a message, or even in your comments (so everyone can see the answers too)! Who knows?! I might post somewhere with a little nudging! Sooo...I shall not drag this on any longer and keep you guys waiting! Enjoyyyy! <3


Cristelyn! ❤️🍓


Part I:

"A Life of Lies"

What if Cinderella wasn't

A charming lady who was in pain?

What if all she ever was

Was a dying soul looking plain?

What if Snow White wasn't

Even fair or just not a princess?

What if she wasn't in a spell

But just wanted to end pain herself?

What if Sleeping Beauty wasn't

A flawless diner or a beautiful maiden?

What is she touched the spindle

To finally rest in peace and joy?

What if all of these lies

We're fed to make us hope

For something hopeless?

What if our lives are just big lies

Fed to us to seemingly ignite joy?

There are a million "what if"'s

And we all know that

The world is changing

Who knows what it hides beneath its crust?

We shouldn't just stand here

Waiting for our happy ending

We must be aware of the impossibility

Of even having one when we live in lies

Part II:

"An Open Door"

Years of heartbreaks I live in

Falling apart slowly day by day

Trying to convince myself

That one day I'll finally be okay

I can't believe that the world I came to love

Would be the one to break me apart

The world is supposed to be full of life

But why is mine full of death?

As I drag on my endless maze

I feel the urge to end it now

But what of my love?

What of my heart?

If 'tis true that love prevails

Why does mine seem like its falling apart?

If what he said is certainly true

Why can't I find a reason for my bleeding heart?

The sun sets and rises

It sees another day after its farewell

My love did set but never did it rise again

I can't help but wish for another one of its hellos

Part III:


I've always lived my life

In such a way that I often

Find myself slowly slipping away

Into nothing but pain and misery

I used to glance at the windows and

See nothing but a plain dark sky

Now I see not just that same sky

But also incandescent little stars smiling at me

I used to look at myself in the mirror

And think of how incredibly

Useless I am to this world I'm in

Now I see something shining in me

I used to struggle so deeply

Just to escape this monstrous life

Just then I can't help but think

Of how wrong I had been

This life is uniquely beautiful

It roars loudly from deep within

Maybe I was the monster and I saw

My own reflection staring back at me

Part IV:


I want to run away and find

An escape from all those screams

I want to run away with you

Holding your hand as we flee

I want to open a door

Where I finally fit in

Where I can love and live

Without ever looking back

I want be seen as I am

I want to dream with dreams

I want to hope with hope

I want to love with love

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