Chapter 4: Emma

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I slammed the door and locked it, telling my mom to leave me alone. After hearing the sound of footsteps descend, I lay down on my bed and sobbed all the tears I've been keeping inside for a long time.

It's just so unfair how bad things always seem to be happening to me.

"Always remember, everything happens for a reason, Stella," my dad's voice came flashing back.

If that is true, what's the reason for all this misery? Why me, why this? All I've ever wanted is to live a simple happy life, is that too much to ask for?

I wish I never even went back here, to my real world full of misery. That dream I had was so much better! I felt so alive, so free.

I just wanted to sulk and disappear from this world forever. Yet, I know I could never let that happen. I know that my family needs me, and I need them too.

We have to stick together, especially in this situation. Despite of knowing this, I still feel this urge to let go and to be free, just once in my life.

*beep, beep*

I checked my phone and saw a text from Bryce.

"Heard what happened a while ago. Are you okay?" it read.

*beep, beep*

A second beep came, a message from Candice.

"OMG. I can't believe Nina did that! How are you?"

I sighed and shut my phone off and put it in my pocket. I don't want to deal with this right now. Who knows, the entire Internet population might already know about my "little accident."

I am now officially living in my own nightmare. I can't believe it has come to this, me being so hurt and eaten alive by my pain.

I stared at the ceiling and felt the tears start streaming down my face...again.

It seemed like I sobbed the whole night. Who knew that I had so much feelings locked up in me?

I spent practically the whole night thinking and crying. I'm so afraid to face tomorrow. All the consequences,the expectations are too much to handle.

After a while, I decided to go to sleep. It might help me relax my mind. A dream, almost same as my last one, was finally painted in my mind...


Once again, I find myself standing on the same grand stage, here in that dim place again. The spotlight was shining on me again, and I decide to do what I did last time.

I made my hands gracefully swirl around me. I then twirled around slowly and put my them up, forming a "v."

The same huge gleaming mirror stood in front of me. Wow, I'm even wearing the same outfit I've grown to love!

Confident, I walked through the mirror again. I find myself in the same place, my new-found relaxing place, Wales. Since that last dream, I've been thinking about this place. It really helps, especially during sad times.

The picture in my mind just seems to clear all the fog out, making me see the bright sun shining down on me. I smile, very happy to be here in this dream again...

I head to the lake and start splashing the cool lake-water on my face. It feels absolutely refreshing. It's like I'm starting to forget all the pain from bad memories.

"Woah, go easy there," I heard a charming voice say.

Emma. She's exactly how I wrote her to be. The same wavy blond hair and hazel-brown eyes...they're magical. Right now, her hair was braided, and she was smiling so widely that I can't help but smile too.

"Hi...sorry. I'm Stella," I said, really embarrassed. I even bet that my cheeks are really flushed.

"It's okay, I'm Emma," she said, giggling.

We spent the day walking around together while she told me all about her family.

"My family and I are really happy. Things are going better, my dad getting a job in the palace stables and all that. We were already very happy before, but we're more happy now under the circumstances," she said, passion seen right through her words and eyes.

I nod, wishing I could have a happy life like she has too. Her family's so close and happy. I couldn't ask for more at all if I had her life.

"How about you? Tell me all about your family," she said, curiosity evident.

"'s not really that great right now. My father passed away, and my mom's not really herself right now. She needs distractions to keep her from mumbling and crying a lot. Luckily, we have Lindsay, my sister. She keeps my mom occupied," I said with tears on my eyes.

She held my hand and said,"Stella, I'm sure you'll be fine. Everyone deserves a happy ending."

That struck me so hard. What if she's right? That would be a dream come true. That's all I've ever wanted! I hope that time is now, I really do.

"Thanks, Emma."

And with that, we roamed around Wales. This time, I didn't feel that bad anymore, thanks to Emma.

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