Chapter 6: Beauty

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The palace gardens, my eyes can't believe that beauty such as this exists. I can't help but marvel on this, for it would be such a shame to leave this place. Prince Philip and I watch the sunset together, eyes shining.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I go here practically everyday, seeking comfort and beauty," Prince Philip tells me.

"Indeed, Your Highness. It's quite fortunate of you to witness this marvelous beauty of nature everyday. I wish I could say the same," I said, a little envious.

"Please, call me Philip. There is beauty everywhere, everyday, Stella. You just have to seek it and marvel on its hidden beauty," he said, looking at me.

I blushed, my face completely crimson-red. He asked me, an average girl, to call him Philip! Okay, I have to admit, I have a wonderful imagination. If only this is real... Just great, Stella, you've made your wonderful first impression to the Prince. What he must think of me, blushing and grinning like a fool...

I felt Philip chuckle to himself. Looking at his face, I see the amusement in his eyes. At least he found me amusing, right?

"I better get you to your house before it gets late," he said. Is he concerned?

"Um...I don't have a house," I stutter uncomfortably.

"What? Don't you live by that lake, the one where I almost fell into when you bumped me?" he asked me, smirking.

"No, that's Emma's house," I said, trying hard not to show him my embarrassment and amusement.

"Oh, where should I take you then?"

I shrugged; it's not like I have any place to go to. This is just a dream, after all...a very long one, not that I'm complaining.

"Maybe you should stay in one of the guest rooms here in the palace."

"Are you sure? Wow, wouldn't I be asking too much from you?" I said disbelievingly.

He would actually let me do that, stay in the palace? He barely even knows me! It's either my imagination's quite far-fetched, or Philip really is kind, deep down inside. To be honest, I've always kind of imagined him as a snobby little brat, him being the only child and the Prince.

"Of course, I couldn't have you wandering around. It's dangerous for a beautiful lady like you," he winked at me.

I could feel my cheeks go extremely red. Oh no, why do I keep doing this? Remember, Stella, you don't like him. He just trying to deceive you.

I subtly nodded and accepted his offer to be my escort. Besides, living in the palace? That would be quite magnificent and luxurious. I could just think of all the delectable food...and oh, to sleep on an actual mattress, not the stingy, worn-out one we have back at home!

I snapped out of my daze and heard Philip open a door. Woah, every time we walked, I could hear the clicking of our shoes on the shiny marble floor. The palace had an elegant look to it, yet I find it comforting, inviting. I looked around and see unique paintings hung on walls; they must be priceless! The flower vases look antique, and the flowers in it are beautiful, the rare kind. Those bouquets really bring out a sweet scent, mixing with the natural scent of vanilla the palace favorite.

Philip led me to a shining golden staircase. I touched the railway, feeling its lavish and smooth surface with my hands. Soon, we reach the top. I couldn't even tell the number of rooms this palace has! We turn to the left corridor, and I can feel the digging of my ballet shoes on the soft carpet. After what felt like forever of walking, we finally stop in front of a room, Guest Room 13, it read.

"Here you go, goodnight, Stella. See you tomorrow," Philip said with a kind and soothing voice.

"Thank you so much. I really don't know what to say," I manage to squeak out.

He laughs and the gentleman he is, bows down and left. I take a deep breath and open the door. I'm greeted with a massive crystal chandelier on top, a walk-in closet the size of our kitchen and my room, and the room itself looks like the size of my entire house. In the middle-back of a room stood a king-sized bed, looking like those hotel beds I see on the televisions. To add to the luxury, there are black leather couches and mahogany desks and cabinets.

I literally hop on the bed, feeling the really soft mattress, the clean bedsheets, and the cool air this air-conditioned room has to offer.

This dream absolutely helped solve my depression and wallowing. First of all, the girl-talk with Emma was really comforting and refreshing. When I talk to her, I feel like I've known her my entire life. Next, the day with Philip in the palace gardens warmed my heart.

There is beauty everywhere, everyday, Stella. You just have to seek it and marvel on its hidden beauty.

Philip's words go rushing back. I realize that it really is true. Everything is beautiful. Maybe Philip and my dad are right, everything holds beauty and has a reason. Maybe, just maybe, all the tragedies in my life are beautiful. They teach me lessons and make me nurture into a better and stronger person, right? Maybe that's the beauty it holds deep down.

I slowly doze off as I think of that, smiling and finally finding peace in my heart for this day.

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