The Little Things That Count

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They all sat there on the couch, as I stared into space, thinking deep thoughts.

Why him.. Why did he have to come NOW, ever since Barry has known him for years or whatever? Why wasn't I introduced to him sooner? Why did I have to be introduced to him in the FIRST place? It made no since. Did he REALLY come just to give us advice on a publisher? I don't know why but I dought it.

His voice was hoarse, and when he passed by me his clothing had a really strong scent of smile and chemicals.. Like chlorine.

He acted like he was on drugs. Illegal drugs. That's probably why I was scared of him.

I was scared of him because my real parents took drugs and fought, and abused me, and just kept me out of their life. I was just a wanderer in their house. They didn't even notice me until I spoke to them or did something apparently I wasn't suppost to like opening the fridge or taking food for myself to eat.

And when they noticed me, they hurt me.

I shivered in the memory, but shook it off my mind.

I stared into the mirror that hung above my dresser, and realized that I had an instinct to just know something was wrong with this man. I mean, how do I know he took illegal drugs? What if the chlorine like smell was just from the pool or something? How do I know he's a bad person? He acted nice at the restaraunt..

I just didnt know.

And I have to meet him again eventually..

I tried to shake off the mindset, but it didnt work.

Soon enough Adam peaks out of the door, and sits down with me.

"Ashley, Its not a big deal. Michael is only gonna be an aquaitence.. And we only have to see him a couple more hours tomorrow for Barry and thats it. Please stop getting in the dumps.." Adam rubs my shoulder.


"No buts. Hes not even going to interfere with our life even a tiny bit" He pecks my cheek, but then I pout when he gets up to leave.

"Honey.. Its gonna be fine."

"Please don't leave me" I reach out for him.

Adam sighs, then smiles as he sits back down to give me one of his amazing hugs.

I hug back, and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Were downstairs, wanna come out now?"

I stop, and nodded.

He broke the hug and we both got up to go downstairs.

When I reached the doorway, Adam lifted me up and held me wedding style, and walked downstairs, making me smile and laugh.

Adam plops down on the empty seat, still holding me, and I snuggled up to him and relaxed, watching whatever the guys were watching on tv.

The bright sun glared at me through the window, blinding me as I tried to watch the television, so I flipped over, giving up on watching the tv as I layed my head on Adam's chest.

My eyelids soon got droopy, and I gave in, falling asleep.

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