He Keeps Secerets

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I sit on my bed, the place I usually went when no one was home.

I kept my door closed, and sighed heavily as I desperately waited for them to come back home from the local venue they were invited to sing at.

I was too scared to go, and they didn't want me to go anyway.. To protect me just in case you-know-who was there.

So I sat there, peeking out the windows every few minutes, and pacing back and forth across my room I stayed in as I waited.

I already missed them.. I cant wait until they get back.. They said they would bring home something for me.

They don't need to bring anything back for me.. I would have what I want when they get back.

I would have them..

"UGH" I faceplant into my pillow, getting aggravated at what was taking them so long.

To be honest; I thought; To be honest I miss Adam alot.. I just wanna cuddle up to him..

But I haven't been able to catch him before he would go up to his room, or just fall asleep on the couch.

He hasn't really been talking to us alot.. He just goes back up to his room ALL THE TIME.

And when he comes out all he does is sleep.

He sleeps, then goes back to his room.

Why? I haven't been able to catch him to even ASK.

Its like he ignores me..

He ignores the rest of the guys too..

But me? He tells me everything..

Why would he ignore me like that?

But most of all, it feels like when he goes to his room, he hesitates, and THEN goes in there.

Is he hiding something from us?

If so.. What?

I decided to investigate.

I got up and sneaked down to Adam's room even though no one was there, and slowly creeped into his room.

It was NOT like it was before.

It smelled of something that smelled horribly familiar.. But I couldnt put my finger on it.

By now, I already felt like a detective...

Which I don't like.. Its like Im getting into his personal space.. It felt like I was doing something wrong.. But why? All I was doing was standing in his room... The place where I used to always go. This place was basically a therapy room for both me AND Adam. We would have SO much talks about stuff. We would even just talk about our days, and all the normal stuff. Normally when we found ourselves in here, we would either be trying to get away from the rest of the guys, talking things out, or making out or something..

I laughed at the last thought.

I searched EVERYWHERE for what he was doing, but I couldnt find even a hint.

Papers filled with lyrics that he couldnt find songs to match with.. Bundles of socks.. More socks..

"EW UNDERWEAR" I threw them in the hamper in the corner of his room.

I laughed. HE WAS MY BOYFRIEND. I shouldn't be grossed out about that.

I shoved more random stuff out of the way, and found his guitar case.

I sighed. I always loved this thing. Sometimes I would just steal it and try to play something on it.. It was really something special.

I sat on his unmade bed, and opened the case to the guitar.

I smiled at the sight. It made me think of when he sung to me, and sometimes sung me to sleep if I was having a bad night.

I removed it from the case, and a piece of ripped paper was underneath the guitar.

I set the guitar aside, and was curious as I picked up the piece of torn up paper to read the sloppy handwriting that remained on it.

For a minute I thought it was just ripped up lyrics, but I looked closely, and realized it wasnt his handwriting.

I looked even more closely, and it read a phone number.


"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I got SO mad.


Was THIS what he was hiding??

I mean.. He knew I wasn't cheating on him when Michael did that..

He COULDNT of been cheating on me BACK.

But he could of just been CHEATING ON ME.

But this wasn't Adam at all...

Why would he do that to me?

After the best THREE FUCKING YEARS of my life.. Why would he do this NOW?

I'm almost POSITIVE this was a girls number..

I start sobbing my eyes out.



I stopped crying after what felt like forever. I was STILL alone. I couldnt take it out on him.

But I COULD call this number. I can tell her who she's dealing with. I can go find her and KILL her.

That would feel AMAZING.

You know what, I will do just that.

I grasped the paper in my hand so tight my knuckles were white, and stormed into my room to find my phone.

I dialed the number, and my evil smile creeped up to my face as the phone started ringing on the other line.

It rung 3 times, until she answered.

I took a strong breath in to scream it back out at the person on the other line, but the voice spoke too soon for me to say anything.

"Already ran out, huh? I'll be at the bar at 6 then with some more.. Meet me there SHARP. I won't be there for long."

The voice sounded SO familiar.

It was a guys.. But it wasnt anyone from the band..

Who's was it??

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE-" I began to storm on him, but he interupted me.

"See ya there" he hung up on me like he didnt hear me.

I clutched my phone like it was the man's throat.

"Fine. ILL SEE YA THERE ALRIGHT." I scolded the phone like he was still on the other line.

I checked the time. It was 5:23.

Ill get there in time if I started walking right now.

"You bet on my ass I'll be there.." I grabbed my jacket off the coat hanger beside the front door, and the brass knuckles I owned for protection when the guys weren't there, and I burst out and began walking.

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