Author's Note:

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I have a rant.

So be prepared. :I

I know people have said this five million times over and over again, but they're right, and the words that they say fucking over and over and over again need to be tooken in, and actually thought about. Don't do drugs, and don't get addicted to alcohol. Please. People around the world have experienced what we are talking about NOT doing, and I can tell you, it sucks. The only reason why I'm saying this is because you might not know yet, but people very close to you can be going through this stuff. The people that I really look at as my idols, Ben and Adam, they both have gone through it. I know that Adam got addicted to Oxycontin, but he got rehab and he got through it. But it's not that easy at all. He went through SO much before even ANY improvement happened in his life. I know he's been happily sober for around 6 years now. Ben, that's a different story. He got addicted to alcohol when he was a teenager, about our age. Yes. He went through the same things we did. Suicide, depression, all of that. And he actually got into it, quote on quote, by "trying to drink himself to death." That was his attempt in suicide. Which fortunately, he did live. But he got addicted to it and he couldn't stop. I know that he's had many health problems because of it, and he can't stop them. We all know about the huge break he had with all the "mystery sickness" and all that shit, but truthfully I think he was trying to overcome the alcoholism. I don't know why the rest of the old band left him, people say on the internet "legal problems" and I believe that, but I don't know what happened. Anyways, he came back in 2013 or 15, I forgot which, and we all were happy and everything, and he was happy. I think that he was actually sober for a while. But recently, I'm afraid that he's going down the road again. He's been losing weight. A lot. And he's been cancelling shows that he's been doing in Europe, due to quote, "sickness of band members." Im thinking the sickness is Ben. Drinking. I saw him in concert May 13th. We all know that.. Lol.. But he changed. A lot. I'm just scared what's going to happen next, that's all.

But, that's what taught me to stay away from that horrible stuff. Cuz it can ruin my life just like Ben's. And if you have a problem like the ones above, please give yourself some help. Do something about it. Because you can be happy again, and be successful in escaping, like Adam, or it could maybe just be a little too late, like Ben.

Sorry for the rant. Lol..

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