Making sure

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Adam picked me up from the ground, and a sharp pain went through my lower back, and I winced.

"Did someone call the fucking police yet?" he said as he looked down at the unconcious Michael that tried to kidnap me.

I still had nightmares about him.

I never thought that he would escape, just to make me a victim again.

It was terrifying how much he wanted to hurt me.

"We did. They are outside now. They are gonna pick him up and return him to where he belongs." Barry said.

I open my eyes, and looked up at Adam.

"I think I'm alright.." I winced again, and he looked at me in concern.

"You definetley don't look okay."

My eyes widened.

The baby.

It might of been hurt.

"The BABY" I looked down towards my stomach, and put a hand gently on my stomach.

Adam rushed back towards the room, and the nurse ran towards us.

"Oh thank god, are you guys alright?" She looked at us, and then straight at me, and gasped.

"Oh no.." she took a hand and placed it on my bloody face.

"Looks like we are gonna do more tests than we thought we would need to" she opened the door to the room, and Adam brought me inside onto the chair again.

The cold leather of the chair touched my face as I leaned my head onto it, and it felt soothing on the places Michael hit me.

The nurse looked outside of the door, and her eyes widened.

"There's police down the hallway.." She informed us.

She moved my face off of the leather and studied it awkwardly.

"How do you feel?" She said, and I groaned.

"How do you think I feel." I glance at her.

"Well then" she put my head down so I could rest it against the chair again.

"Well what hurts?"

"My back, mostly." I said.

"Okay. Can you flip over?"

I sigh as I try to move over, and the pain was unbearable, but I managed to flip over.

"Alright." She said while rolling up my shirt.

"Ooo..." She said, and she rubbed her thumb on the middle of my spine, and I cried out in pain.

"OW" I yell at her, and she quickly removes her hand.

"You have to let me investigate, jeez." She looked at me.

I sighed as I tried to relax.

"We will have to make sure the baby's alright, but where the spine is in worse damage, the baby's probably fine"

A huge sigh of relief escaped me. I smiled.

I've been sighing A lot recently.

"Thank god" I smiled wider.

I felt Adam's hand grab my hand, surrounding it in warmth.

For a second all my pain disappeared.

But it came flooding back when he let go so the nurse could do something.

"It doesn't look quite that bad, maybe just a brace for a while, and some ice, and it will heal up quickly."

Everyone this time sounded like relief was lifted from their bodies.

I slowly sat up on the chair and she pressed ice on the middle of my spine, and a shiver went up and down it, but it was soothing very quickly.

She stapped a brace on me.

"Okay. Wash your face off, and then we can continue to see if the baby is a boy or a girl.

I nod, and everyone at the same time offered to go with me for protection.

I laughed a little, but my sides felt like they were getting punched in.

Adam grabbed my hand, and walked out of the room, and I tried to keep up with him.

He had a tight grip on my hand, as if to make sure I didn't leave his grip.

I opened the door to the bathroom and walked in,  but I had to stop Adam from coming into the girls restroom.

"Adam" I say his name as I place my hand on his chest, and he hesitates to leave me alone in the restroom, but he does as I close the door and I hear him lean against it.

I looked around me.

It was a restroom with one stall.

I scanned the room before looking in the mirror.

To be honest, I am still scared he might come out at me.

He had a gun this time.

He was going to kill me.

I shiver at the thought.

I would be trapped inside that darkness, forever.

Without the band.

I really don't want that to happen.

Being lonely is very hard for me.

I looked at my face, and almost scared myself.

I looked HORRIBLE.

My cheek had a big scratch across it, from when he threw me into the wall over and over again.

Rug burn patches were here and there on my face and my arms, from where I was dragged across the floor.

I looked pretty beaten up.

I felt like it, too.

I looked down at my legs, all achy as I stood still.

No wonder the band was so worried about me.

I looked at my baby bump.

I put my hand on it.

I wanted to ask my baby if it was alright.

"I'm sorry about that.." I mumbled.

"I didn't have any control over it.."

"I don't even know if you can hear me. What if I'm just talking to my stomach?"

I hesitate.

"Can you hear me?"

I sit there in silence.


"I understand." I sigh as I move my hand away and place it on the sink, and looked back up at my face again.

I turned on the sink, and splashed my face, and let the cooling sensation hit my face, the water made the burns and scratches sting, but it felt good to me.

"Ashley, are you alright?" I hear Adam mumble into the door.

"Yea. I'm almost done."

I turn off the sink, and looked at the red marks that were more clear, the blood now washed off of my face.

"Okay. I just think you should hurry up a little. I don't want anyone to get suspicous about me standing here and all.."

"Im done, let me out" I laugh a little as I pushed open the door.

"That looks a little better" He said, but he looked at my face, concerned about what was on it.

"It's alright." I say as I start walking back to the room.

I am going to act like this never happened.

We are going to be happy. No matter what gets in our way.

I'm not going to let Michael ruin my life.

I wont let Michael ruin our lives.

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