My Night.

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It was the first night after, I don't know, 3 months, that Adam gets to enjoy our company, and we definitely get to enjoy his.

"Hey Adam?" I look up at him from sitting on the couch next to him.

He looks down at me.


"Do you think that we will be with one another, forever? I really don't want this to end. What if we break up and we return back to our normal lives before we met eachother?"

He hesitates to answer just for a few seconds, just for me to notice, but he smiles.

"Do you remember what happened to me last time when you tried that?"

I nod.

"But what if it's you that wants to leave me?"

Adam hesitates even longer.

He makes me worry.

"Why would I ever want to do that, Ash? Why are you so worried about this?"

Now it was me that hesitated.

"Im just worried about what will happen to us in the future, what if it's worse than what we just experienced almost a year ago? Or what if you have to go to rehab again? I don't know anymore.."

Adam smiles.

"You don't have to worry about that." He takes my hand and squeezes it.

"I promise." he whispers, and my body immediately relaxes, like some kind of spell.

That always happened to me. It was a wierd connection me and Adam always had. He could calm me down with his voice ever since I discovered Three Days Grace almost a decade ago.

And those times were hard when I discovered them. And can you imagine how hard it would be to make me relax then? Well, they did it, alright.

I sigh and lean closer into him.

Everyone sat around the television as it flashed images and made noises that I didn't listen to.

Nothing lit the world around us besides the television and the porchlight outside as it poured rain.

Adam's scent filled my lungs as his soft hand was against mine. His warmth he shared with me kept me warm in the cold world that surrounded me. It was the only thing that I was paying attention to.

Adam's presence filled the room, making my mind go back into memories that happened years ago.

The mall, the arcade, the rolling rink, those days at home where all we would do was laugh and play like children.

That night made a reminder to me how lucky I was to still have Adam, to have him with us safe and sound, to have him still alive.

Without him the group would be incomplete.

Without him, I would be incomplete.

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