Finding Out The Secerets

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A few hours later, Adam was brought in for a drug test, and a blood test, to see what drug he was using, and if it effected his blood dramatically.

But somehow I don't really feel good letting Adam out of my sight anymore.

Not any of them, really.

What if something happens to me while they're gone?

What if i die without them there to say goodbye?

Anything could happen..

But I should stop thinking about myself for once..

I'm so selfish.

The doctor knocked on the door a few times before opening it.

"Hello again"

I not with a smile, and he waves Adam over out the door.

Adam kisses my cheek, and gives my hand that he has been holding a tight squeeze before he left the room.

I sighed, and Brad takes Adam's chair that he was sitting in.

He's been a little bit closer to me recently, since he was one of them that saved me, he says.

Not from death, but from the ordeal before that..

He probably did. I could imagine that.

But I'm still really close to Neil and Barry, but I was just a tiiiny bit closer to Brad right now.

"So, how are you feeling?"

I sighed again, and turned my head, detaching my eyes from the door to Brads eyes.

"I guess little bit better since I know what the he'll happened to me." I laughed a short laugh, and sighed again.

"I never knew that was even possible... It's incredible to even just think about it"

Brad nods.

"His heart helps mine stay in sync or something like that?"

"Yea, I think that's it" Brad smiles.

"Maybe we were meant to help eachother.. Like PHYSICALLY. Maybe we are so close that our bodies adapted to it, making us inseperatable.."

Brad sits in silence, listening to me.

"But do you know why you've been so emotional recently?"

"I don't know.. I don't understand myself. It's like if I would even notice something that gives me the to tiniest reminder of the past, it feels like I just emotionally break down.."

Brad sighs almost exactly like my recent ones, and scooted closer to my bed.

He reached for my hand, and he took it, giving me strong eye contact.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all this.."

I sigh.

"It was never your fault"

He still was looking at me seriously, with my hand in his.

"I know, but I just need you to promise me that you believe that I'm telling the truth that you are going to be okay."

I look at him confused.

"You are going to be safe. You're not going to die. You're going to eventually be able to come back home, and eventually it will be like this never happened. Okay? Can you promise me that?"

I hesitated, but nodded.

"Okay. You can trust us with this. We've been helping you for years. This is just another kink in our rope that pulls us through life. Trust me."

"Trust that Adam will help you through this. Trust that I will help you through this."

Brad made a short laugh.

"Trust that everyone in this hospital will help you through this."

I nodded with a small smile on my face.

The doctor walked in, while Adam followed from behind him.

Adam took another seat, and the doctor flipped a few more papers in his clipboard.

"So, the drug that he was sold to, what they said was 'happy pills'?" The doctor looks at Adam as Adam nodded frantically.

"The drug was scientifically named Oxycontin, a brand of pain killers."

Adam gasped, not knowing at all that what he was addicted to was pain killers.

"And apparently, it did effect his blood, thickening it, making it harder to pump into and out of the heart, making his heartrate slower."

"Side affects can include vomiting, addiction of course, death if overdosed, and depression."

The doctors ears perked up at what he said.

"And depression is what you've gone through, Ashley?"

I nodded, and the doctor sighed.

"We will have to take a blood test for you too"

I just stuck out my wrist, as a gesture like a "get it over with"

The doctor laughed.

"Alright, then." he got up and pulled open a drawer and took out a sterile bag with a needle in it.

He stuck it on the syringe, and immediately injecting it into my arm.

He drew blood, and took it out, and held it up in the sunlight.

"We will get THAT tested" He stuck the bottle of my blood in his pocket, and left the room."

I sighed again.

Pain killers.

Fucking pain killers.


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