Dare 8

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Gideon: Guys! We have another dare!

Mabel: Ugh, it better be a good one

Paz: yeah, nothing weird

Gideon: It's from marshmellow_lover

Mabel: What does it say?

Gideon: That Dipper has to kiss Paz and Paz isn't allowed to punch him or slap him

Mabel: Well either way she can't, because she has to be nice to him for the next four dares

Paz: I'm counting the days

Gideon: *laughs nervously* Okay, Dipper, are you ready to kiss Paz?

Mabel: *looks around* Where is Dipper?

Paz: Didn't you leave with him this morning?

Mabel: I told him to meet us here since he was hold up in his room like there's an apocalypse on the way *laughs nervously*

Gideon: Alpaca?

Paz: No, Gids, an apocalypse, an end of the world, thing

Gideon: Let's hope that doesn't happen

Mabel: But besides that, *glares* where the hell is Dipper?!

Paz: Did something happen with him? *looks concerned*

Gideon: Ooh!!! Pazzie's concerned about Dipper's wellbeing!!!

Paz: Yes because he's part of this dare and I can't leave until he finishes it.

Mabel: Good luck finding him, when Dipper doesn't want to be found, it's hard

Gideon: Adventure! We can go on an adventure to find the missing Dipstick!!! I'll make posters! *runs off*

Mabel: Does that mean we have to find him?

Paz: I guess it does

the two teens walk to Gleeful Manor

Mabel: Dipper?!

Paz: Dipper come on, we need to finish up this dang dare

Mabel: *looks around* Dipper?

Paz: *walks upstairs and knocks on a bedroom door* Dipper? Are you in here?

Mabel: Dipper!!!!

Paz: *opens door and thinks* is this his room?

Mabel: I will say your real name!

Paz: *thinks* It's kind of dark in here. . .but nice? *looks around*


Paz: I'm betting that was Mabel *walks out of the room and down the stairs*

Mabel: Is he up there?

Paz: *shakes head* Nope, he isn't home

Mabel: Stupid brother of mine, where else would he be?

Paz: I dunno. . ..park?

Mabel: Let's just check wherever *walks out*

Paz: Okay. . . *follows her*

at the Mystery Shack

Gideon: Boom! I think these posters should do the trick! *grabs posters and runs out the door*

*another door opens and Dipper walks out* Okay guys, I finally found something decent to eat- where is everyone? Hello? *walks around* Oh shi-

with Mabel and Paz

Mabel: Where is he?

Paz: I dunno, why don't you call him?

Mabel: I tried! He won't answer

Paz: What if I called him?

Mabel: Go ahead

Paz: *takes out phone* Holy crap

Mabel: What?

Paz: It's Dipper

Mabel: What do you mean?

Paz: *shows Mabel her phone* He's texted me a billion times!

Mabel: Call him, now!

Paz: *calls Dipper* Where the heck are you?

Dipper: What do you mean, where am I? I've been at the Mystery Shack this entire time!

Paz: *frowns* Alright we're on our way *hangs up*

Mabel: Where is he?

Paz: At the Mystery Shack

back at the Mystery Shack

Dipper: *frowns* What took you guys so long?

Mabel: We went to find you!

Dipper: I was right here!

Gideon: *comes in* Hey guys! I hung all the posters in the-Oh he's right here

Paz: Apparently he was here the entire time!

Mabel: Can we get on with this dare?

Dipper: What is it?

Gideon: You have to kiss Paz and she can't hurt you!

Dipper: If it's what the readers want *kisses Paz before she can object*

Paz: *eyes widen but kisses Dipper back*

Dipper: *runs hands through her hair*

Paz: *wraps arms around his neck*

Gideon: ( ^ω^ )

Mabel: ( ^-^)ノ∠※。.:*:・'°☆

Mabel and Gideon: (*^o^)/\(^-^*)

Dipper: *breaks kiss and looks away* I-I've got to go *walks off, quite fast*

Paz: . . . . .

Mabel: Did Dipper Gleeful just stutter? Never heard that in my life

Gideon: Ooh!

Paz: *blushes and walks off*

Gideon: We did it!!! Now dare us more!! *whispers* Dipcifica!

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