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Gideon: Boo! Author-chan has to do a tag and we don't get to do a dare!

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Gideon: Boo! Author-chan has to do a tag and we don't get to do a dare!

Mabel: I think we all need a break after what happened

Dipper: I respectfully disagree

Paz: only you would

Author-chan: Can I do this now?

Everyone: *silence*

Author-chan: Thank you. I'm not tagging fifteen people because. . .why not? Anyways, read me the first question Dipper!

Dipper: *rolls his eyes and looks at list* Favorite show?

Author-chan: Probably Gravity Falls. Next one

Mabel: Favorite game?

Author-chan: can this count as a game? If not, I'll say Sorry!

Gideon: Favorite YouTuber?

Author-chan: Kubz Scouts

Paz: Favorite fan fiction?

Author-chan: is it conceited of me to say my RevDipcifica Oneshots?


Author-chan: I guess not

Dipper: Favorite animated short?

Author-chan: BIRDS ON A WIRE

*more silence*

Author-chan: okie then

Mabel: Last person you texted?

Author-chan: Mabel--Pines was the last one I texted on here XD

Gideon: Theme song?

Author-chan: Friend Like Me XD I hope you all enjoyed learning more about me

Everyone: *silence*

Author-chan: Whelp. . .byeas!

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