Chapter 3: Juvia's cookies are like heaven on earth

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Gray's POV

Everyone was chilling in the break room. Basically it was just a room with some cabinets everyone sat on.

It also had two vending machines. There used to be good snacks and drinks in them but then they where replaced with healthy shit, because models shouldn't be eating junk food. Gray wanted to punch whoever made that decision.

Natsu was sitting on the floor and Lucy was sitting on the counter top next to him, peering down at his 3DS.

"Natsu don't use a fire type against a water type!" Lucy complained.

Natsu looked at her like she was crazy. "But fire types are totally boss!"

Loke glanced up from his phone. "Dude water beats fire."

"Yeah!" Lucy agreed.

"FIRE BEATS EVERYTHING!!!" Natsu exclaimed.

"No it doesn't." They both said.

"Quit ganging up on me!" Natsu whined.

"Are you playing Pokémon?" Meredy asked coming in and hopping up onto the counter sitting next to Wendy who was timidly watching the scene unfold.

"Yes and would you please tell these idiots that charizard is a boss!" Natsu yelled.

Meredy turned to Lucy and Loke. "Charizard is a boss." She said leaving no room for argument.

"Not when your up against a water type." Loke said.

"It's a water and ice type." Natsu protested.

"Then use an electric type, it would be better against it." Meredy pointed out.

"No! The only electric type I have is Raichu and I refuse to use him." Natsu pouted.

"Why?" Gray asked, he only knew a little about Pokémon from when Lucy, Natsu, and Erza made him watch the whole first season. They had marathon nights.

"Because it's named Laxus." Lucy said.

"You named a raichu Laxus?" Cana giggled from besides him. She was laying down on the counter, beer in hand.

"Cana it might be a good idea if you quit drinking." Gray told her.

"It might be a good idea if you quit stripping." She fired back.

He looked down. He was only in his boxers. "Dammit." He sighed.

"Gray! I found your pants!" A voice said and Levy walked in. She dumped them on the floor and walked out.

Gray hopped off the counter and quickly put them on. Oh goddammit. the belt was missing.

He opened the door and yelled into the hall. "Has anyone seen my belt!"

"I know where it is!" Cana said from in the break room, and he turned to her hopeful.

"It's up your butt, around the corner, in your nose, out it goes." She giggled. Gray glared at her.

"Ooh! Yay!" Meredy suddenly squealed. "She's coming!"

"Who's coming?" Wendy asked.

"Juvia! She said she was bringing cookies!" Meredy said. "She's on her way up now."

Natsu's eyes went starry. "Cookies! I like this girl already!"

Lucy scowled and whacked him over the head with a magazine.

"Hey!" Natsu whined.

They then heard a knock at the door. Meredy let out another squeal and opened the door to see Juvia standing there, a box of cookies in her arms.

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