Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2

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This is for @ghoulish336, @Aurora_The_Neko  and  @Mousie_R for being in my group of friends

On tuesday my friends and I went to the movie. It was very exciting and hilarious, not only the movie but my friends as well. I got to the movie and (I know, I shouldn't have) joined my friends in the middle of the line. We got to the front and everyone paid. Thank goodness the lady at the counter didn't ask our age because one girl in our group was not old enough yet. We got our popcorn and headed inside. Earlier that day the girl who was not old enough an is also bisexual,  told me that she was going to tell our other friend who is pansexual, that she liked her. As the pansexual girls best friend since the age of 5, I told her that I approved.  The previews began to start and that's when she told her. It was the best reaction. My best friend turned all pink and whispered "I like you too!" my other (guy) friend and I were each fangirling (or fanboying I guess) and our other friend said " So, I guess you two are going on a date then" I told her that I wasnt sure that that was something you were supposed to say, in a playful way. It was great. Throughout the movie, they held hands for a bit. The movie started and we managed to get through it without anyone doing anything hilariously embarrassing (because if you know my group of friends then you know that that is one hell of a miracle.) The movie was great. Chris Pratt is an amazing actor and Kirk, from Gilmore Girls was also in it. Let's just say he was so much like Kirk, I had a great time. If you haven't seen this movie you should, it's great. After the movie, we exited the theatre and stood in the lobby for a few minutes while a couple of people went to the bathroom. We talked about the movie, my two (newly dating? I guess so) friends and then we left. I suppose that this story sounded better in y head, but I though I'd share it with you guys anyways. I hope you like it and message me or comment if you'd like  more stories from my messy life. Thanks-Ash

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