Lacy Red Underwear

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Today I am wearing lacy red underwear,

Solely for the purpose of knowing I'm wearing lacy red underwear,

No, I do not expect anyone to see it,

If you came for that, 

You can leave now,

I am wearing it only to know that I am wearing it,

It is in my power to know what kind of underwear I am wearing,

It is also in my power to have only myself know and no one else,

Unfortunately in the society of today, 

No one would care anyways,

I'm not one if importance,

I'm not one of perfection,

I'm the one who is wearing lacy red underwear,

Not that it matters anyways,

No one pays enough attention to know, or even guess,

No, they don't care unless it's for their pleasure,

Or something even more provocative than that,

No people of this generation, they don't care,

They don't care,


You're dead,

So maybe that's what I have to do,

Maybe that's the price you have to pay,

To be told the things no one would say,

Because no one notices you until you're no longer here, 

Then they tell everyone how amazing and beautiful and kind you were, 

Even thought they could have cared less, 

No actually they couldnt, not when they were telling you how terrible and horrible and fat mad ugly you are,

Each little word, a small little stab,

A shove closer to ending it all,

No one cares,

That's not new,

Big deal you're sad,

But when you're dead, 

People will pretend they cared that you were wearing lacy red underwear.

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