My life on Hiatus

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Journal Entry: My life on hiatus
Date: June 24, 2017
Time: 11:44 PM

Dear reader(s),

If you were expecting yet another journal entry to read, then I'm afraid you've already reached the finish line. Now that of course doesn't mean that I am done making journal entries. In fact, what I mean is: I won't be making any more any time soon. Yes, I know what you're thinking, "So you're just gonna sign off now? You've barely published any entries!"

Well to ease your concern, the answer to that question is NO. See, for several months I haven't really experienced anything life changing! And so I put off writing journal entries BECAUSE there would be no point in publishing any if I don't have any interesting news to share. That being said, what I really wanted to tell you was that I won't be posting my journal entries as often from this point on.

Still confused? Well to make it simple, I'm putting journal entries on hiatus. Why hasn't anything really happened? Well let me just say that my life as a middle schooler is much different than mine as a high schooler. See, back then there was a LOT more competition between me and my classmates therefore, the drama that was created-which led me to create this idea of venting to you by simply jotting down my thoughts. Here let me make this a little easier for you.

For those of you who don't know yet, back in elementary all the way through middle school, I had depression. It was pretty major-and yes, I did have help-but it also developed some interesting stories. Now, with my life changed-meeting new people, moving on from ones I've known for a long time, maturing, and finding out where my place is in the world, my life has grown to be pretty flat. Meaning, it's very repetitive and I basically live the same day over and over. All I do is pretty much eat, sleep, wake up, go to school (or do some form of work) then return home only to do more work, eat, then sleep, and repeat. Yes, I should be happy that I get to have the luxury of living a civilized life, BUT I'm not trying to complain. That's not the point. What I'm saying is, my life has been put on hold. It is essentially stalled. Therefore, I had no choice but to put these journals on stall as well.

For those of you who stuck with me throughout all those deep and dark journal entries, I am thankful for your patience and understanding. And I promise, whenever I pick up writing these again, I will make sure to my best ability to express more positive and uplifting entries.

But anyway, with all that said, I thank you all once again for your patience...and I hope you have a goodnight/morning/afternoon...whatever time it is for you..and I'll see you all later! PEACE

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