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Ryan Walker POV( Picture above)

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Ryan Walker POV( Picture above)

         Most of you probably already know that my name is Ryan Walker and I starting my freshman year at Bay City High. I am a Techno path and I control a 150 foot tall giant robot called Mech X4 and that is my biggest secret and it is hard and easy not telling people. The only people that know are my friends Harris and Spyder and my older brother Mark. I am the pilot for Mech X4.

Mark Walker POV (picture above)

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Mark Walker POV (picture above)

              You probably know me as the legendary Mark Walker, yeah I'm awesome. I play all sports, martial arts, basketball, football and baseball. I am the mechanic for Mech X4, (Thank you shop class). Ryan is my little brother and the robot's pilot.

 Ryan is my little brother and the robot's pilot

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Harris Harris Jr POV (Picture above)

                   You may know me, my name is Harris Harris Jr but people just call me Harris. I love technology, science and hanging out with my friends, Ryan and Spyder. I am the person on defense for Mech X4. To me Mech X4 is the most amazing thing I have ever seen still.  

Spyder POV (picture above)

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Spyder POV (picture above)

          My name is Spyder, I am best friends with Ryan and Harris. I am amazed at Mech X4 still just like Harris. When I walked into Mech X4, I called everything explody in the robot and Harris gave me a confused but not surprised look on his face. I am the weapons expert for Mech X4. I also love helping my friends in and outside the robot.

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