Waking up (12)

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Taylor's POV

All I could see was darkness. I couldn't see a thing.

But I heard voices,very familiar voices.

"Dude, you have got to stop, Taylor wouldn't want you just sitting around here and getting sick" pretty sure Mark said

"But-" Ryan said

"Ryan, your brother's right, you just can't sit here all day and not move, it isn't healthy" A voice said

" I know my sister and she would not want you to sit around moping about her not waking up. She wants you to wait for her to wake up as the boy she met, as the boy she loves. Not just sitting here and getting sick and looking like a zombie" my sister Serenity said as I figured it was her

"But I want to be here when she wakes up" Ryan said not wanting to leave

"I know you do but you have to get yourself back together first and she would want you to do that" Renny said

"Ok, I'll be right back" Ryan said leaving the room and I heard his footsteps leaving the room

"Hey, little sister..." my sister said holding my hand I think because I feel a slight pressure to it

I could tell she trying to hold back tears.

"We miss you, especially Ryan misses you. He doesn't go a day without sitting bye your side but I finally got him to get some fresh air and some food in his system" I told her " Now all we're waiting for is for you to wake up Tay, its hard" She said crying freely now

"You know our lives have changed so much since we came here and it was for the better" She said trailing off " We still have mom and we met the best group of people that changed our lives forever. We met two of the most amazing boys and along the way we changed a little bit in a good way and I wouldn't change our lives for anything"

Serenity was right our lives have changed for the better since we came to Bay City.

"Hey, Mark" My sister suddenly said quietly

"Baby, you've got to relax and get some sleep" my sister's boyfriend said to her worried

"I'm fine..." she tried to say but was shushed by Mark

"Serenity Antasia Lockett, you listen to me your sister will be fine, she'll be up and running around in no time. I'm worried too but like you said to Ryan she wouldn't want you to be beating yourself up like this and being misarable" Mark told my sister sternly

Mark's right, I wouldn't want my sister getting sick just because she's worried about me.

"Ok, Ok!! I'll get some fresh air but in a few minutes, Ok?" My sister said to her boyfriend

"Ok, I'll be in the arm of the robot fixing it when your done come find me, Love you" I heard Mark say while I heard his footsteps fade from the room.

"I will, Love you too!!" Renny called out to him

"Please little sister, please wake up. Just remember Hang on and I love you, little sister" Was the last thing I heard before blacking out again.


I want to wake up but my body won't move.

"Hey baby" I hear Ryan's voice say as he enters the room and sits down in the chair I presume is next to me and holds my hand.

"I need you to wake up, baby. Everyone wants you-- No, needs you to wake up!" Ryan says as he squeezes my hand

"I need you back baby...I love you!" Ryan whispered

Ughh!! I just want to wake up!


-Ryan's POV-

I walk into the Medbay and see Taylor still unconsious and I was getting really worried about her now.

"Hey baby" I said as I enter the room and sit down in the chair and I hold her hand hand.

I went and sat down in the chair next to her and held her hand in a soft but firm grip.

I prayed that she would be ok and she would wake up soon.

"I need you to wake up, baby. Everyone wants you-- No, needs you to wake up!" I say desperately as I squeeze her hand and sighed .

Suddenly her hand twitched and my head snapped to the side to look at her.

"Taylor?! Come on baby, move your hand if you can hear me" I said desperately
Third person's POV-

Ryan waited for a minute to see if she would move.

After a minute, it was still quite and he was about to give up hope until he felt her move again and a pained groan.

"Ugghh! What the hell happened?" Taylor said trying to open her eyes after Ryan turned off the lights to help her.

"Harris! Mark! Serenity! Spyder!" Ryan yelled to get their attention "she's awake!"

A patter of footsteps were heard rushing towards the Med-bay.

Serenity was the first through the door followed by Mark and the others.

Serenity was the first to run to and reached for her sister.

" Don't do that again or I will beat your ass!!" Serenity shouted at Taylor.

"Nice to see you too Renny" Taylor said wincing a bit "Ow!"

When Taylor yelped, Serenity let go and apologized

"We're glad your awake you gave us quite a scare" Harris said to his friend in relief

"Yeah we are" Ryan said kissing the top of her head and Taylor sighing content
Here is the next chapter
Hope you like it
Sorry if it looks rushed
Please give my other stories a try too!!!

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