Talking (14)

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Taylor's POV 

The nightmares have been getting better, but they haven't gone away just yet. I try to not think about it but it's hard.

Lately, I've been hanging out with my mom a bit more because I feel like I haven't been there enough for her and I've been spending all my time with Ryan and the others, the stressful cause of the recent situation has taken a toll on me and the others.

The boys have been acting weird, especially Spyder, but that's normal for him. I just ignored it because they've always been weird... Don't tell them I said that...

Anyway, I just want to forget the whole thing ever even happened.


The next day...

I woke up and did my usual morning routine, which took longer than it usually would.

I got dressed in a blue t-shirt, black jeans, and my black converse. I grabbed my book bag and walked downstairs with my phone in hand into the kitchen.

I saw mom cooking breakfast and my sister was sitting at the table eating a bowl of Cheerios.

They both turned their heads as they heard me come down the stairs.

I sat at the table after saying hello to mom and Renny. I saw a plate that held two waffles in front of me.

I nodded in thanks and started eating slowly

"You alright, baby?" Mom asked

I wasn't sure how to respond so I just gave her a small smile.


She raised her eyebrow at me but didn't question anything else and she started cleaning the pans she used when making breakfast.

"Alright, you two get going before you are late... I'll see you later" mom said as she kissed our heads before we left

"Love you mom" I told her smiling

"Love you too sweetheart" she chirped back

We left the house and walked to school. We were enveloped in a comfortable silence as we walked down the street. I could feel Renny look at me from time to time but I just kept my eyes pointed ahead.

Bay City High isn't that far away from the house so it was a nice day to walk.

We walked into the school and headed straight for our lockers to get our books for the first period.

"Ok, when we get home today we are taking a day just to ourselves" Serenity told me sternly and I looked at her like she was crazy

"What?" Was all that came out of my mouth

"We are having a sister day" Renny said and I just wanted to do nothing

"No boys for the day even though we love them with all our hearts, no fighting monsters, nothing but you, me, along with snacks and movies" she continued

"Ok, fine" I said giving up

"Good, you didn't have a choice anyway" she said smiling victoriously

"Oh, boy" I mumbled to myself as she walked away to her first class of the day

I closed my locker and my sister's because she forgot to close hers. After that, I walked off to my first class of the day.

I walked into the first period and I sat in my usual seat. I saw Ryan in the corner of my eye looking at me with concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2022 ⏰

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