Hang on and I love you: (11)

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(!!!A/N!!!- The Gif at the top represents how he felt when He saw Taylor the way she was and how he feels now. With out further ado... Let's start reading!!!)

Last Time on Dimensions And Worlds...

-Ryan's POV-

I ran to the med bay and set Taylor up on the table and Harris and Serenity came in to work on Taylor and try to help her.

"Ryan, can you get out please?" Serenity asked calmly

"No!! I need to stay with Her" I yelled

"Ryan, they have to work on her, just come out" Mark said to me

"No!!" I yelled again

"Ok, i guess we're doing this the hard way" Mark mumbled to himself and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder carrying me out to the X-deck.

"Ryan, you need to relax, Taylor's going to be fine" He said and I just sat there on the couch crying

'Please Baby.. please Wake up!!'


-Ryan's POV-

       Have you ever felt broken inside? Have you ever felt like your heart is tearing in two? Well, I feel that way because ever since we rescued Taylor from the hands of who ever those people were, Harris has been trying to figure that out, I've been staying at the Mech more often because my baby's been out for nearly 3 weeks.

     Ever since then, I've been sitting next to her bed everyday and I don't leave until I pass out from being really exhausted. Mark takes me home in what he calls the Mark Mobile.

Well anyways, right now I'm sitting next to my girlfriend's bed as I hear the different machines around her. I hear the low sounds of her breathing in through the oxygen mask over her face , the beeping of her heart monitor and the sound of her blood dripping in to her IV that is attached to her arms.

    Luckly, Serenity was able to save her from losing her powers and Harris did save her from losing anymore blood, since she lost a lot.

  Suddenly, I hear the Med Bay doors open and I turned to see my brother Mark looking at me with pity and sympathy.

"Hey little brother, how you doing?" he asked 

"I'm fine" I mumbled giving him a weak smile

"Bro, you need to get some fresh air, this isn't healthy..." He started telling me 

"I'll go out later" I said to him immediatly cutting himoff

"Dude, you have got to stop, Taylor wouldn't want you just sitting around here and getting sick" Mark said

"But-" I started to say before Serenity walked through the Med Bay doors 

"Ryan, your brother's right, you just can't sit here all day and not move, it isn't healthy" She said

" I know my sister and she would not want you to sit around moping about her not waking up. She wants you to wait for her to wake up as the boy she met, as the boy she loves. Not just sitting here and getting sick and looking like a zombie" She continued

"But I want to be here when she wakes up" I told her while a lone tear traveled it's way down my face

"I know you do but you have to get yourself back together first and she would want you to do that" She said quietly to me

"Ok, I'll be right back" I said getting up and walking out of the Med Bay with Mark

**Serenity's POV**

I sat in the chair Ryan was just in and held my sister's hand looking at her.

"Hey, little sister..." I started to say but trailed off not knowing what exactly to say

"We miss you, especially Ryan misses you. He doesn't go a day without sitting bye your side but I finally got him to get some fresh air and some food in his system" I told her " Now all we're waiting for is for you to wake up Tay, its hard" I started to cry while laying my head next to my sister's

"You know our lives have changed so much since we came here and it was for the better" I said trying to control my tears  " We still have mom and we met the best group of people that changed our lives forever. We met two of the most amazing boys and along the way we changed a little bit in a good way and I wouldn't change our lives for anything" 

I was so focused on my sister that I didn't hear the doors open. I felt hands on my shoulders and I jumped and turned only to see my boyfriend Mark.

"Hey, Mark" I said to him quietly as he rubbed my shoulders

"Baby, you've got to relax and get some sleep" he said with a stern but quiet voice

"I'm fine..." I said trailing off trying to say something but I was shushed by Mark

"Serenity Antasia Lockett, you listen to me your sister will be fine, she'll be up and running around in no time. I'm worried too but like you said to Ryan she wouldn't want you to be beating yourself up like this and being misarable" Mark said sternly but softly and caring at the same time while looking into my eyes

"Ok, Ok!! I'll get some fresh air but in a few minutes, Ok?" I said to him while looking into his eyes that held love, caring and passion

He nodded agreeing to my words

"Ok, I'll be in the arm of the robot fixing it when your done come find me, Love you" He said while walking out the door

"I will, Love you too!!" I yelled after him

I sat back down in the navy blue chair with a sigh and I looked at my sister's face which seemed to be healing nicely even after whats she's been through.

I decided to go out and get some fresh air like Mark suggested.

I got up from the navy blue chair and gave my sister a kiss on the forehead and walk to the door. Instead of walking right through and not looking back, I stopped.

I turned my head around and wisphered, "Please little sister, please wake up. Just remember Hang on and I love you, little sister"

Then I walked out the Med Bay doors.


    Well, here you go my amazing readers another chapter to this amazing story!!

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