First Day (1)

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**Taylor's POV**
       I was sleeping in because I knew today is my first day at Bay City High. I decided to go back to sleep. As I closed my eyes, my alarm went off, beep beep beep. I ignored my alarm clock but my annoying sister came in yelling. " Taylor get up mom's going to kill us if we're late to school". I knew she was exaggerating but I got up any way.
      I threw my hair in a quick pony tail, I put on my blue plad shirt with my jean jacket, and I put on my lightning bolt necklace and my amulet. I also threw on a pair of jeans and my Jordan's.

(Taylor's Amulet)

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(Taylor's Amulet)

    When I got to school, I went to get my schedule

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    When I got to school, I went to get my schedule. After that I went to look for my locker 214. I mumbled to myself, " where is locker 214? 211, 212, 213, finally 214!". 

                    Harris's POV

       "Hey did guys know that there are 4 new girls coming today?" I quickly said. " Are they hot?" Spyder asked quickly but excited. I groaned, "Really Spyder is that all you think about and how am I supposed to know that?". "I don't know, you usually know this stuff and maybe" Spyder says. Ryan nodded his head in agreement. " You usually do know that stuff Harris" Ryan said. All three of us went to our lockers.

 ***Taylor's POV***

        I was putting my stuff in my locker when the speakers came on and the principle starting speaking, " Welcome back to Bay City High, Go fighting Llamas!, for the new students I know starting high school can be ruff, so my door is always open but fair warning I'm a hugger and go Mark Walker, he is awesome". I thought to myself, " ok I think the principle is nice but no one is that cheery". I heard kids chanting, " Mark Mark Mark!" but I ignored it. I closed my locker and I dropped my schedule and It slid down the hallway. I was about to pick it up but someone already did. When I looked up I saw a kid about my height, he had brown hair, pretty hazel-green maybe almost brown eyes and he was light skinned. I tried to speak but I couldn't.

---Ryan's POV--- 

                 I was talking to Spyder when I heard Harris say" Ryan, what is that by your foot?". I looked at him confused but he pointed down and I looked. I saw at it and it was a schedule. I looked behind me and saw a girl. She was light skinned, she had pretty brown eyes and long and wavy brown hair. She was looking at me and I was staring at her. Harris cleared his throat. Me and her was blushing and I was thinking, " why is she blushing- Wait why am I blushing, well she is kinda cute I don't even know her, Uhhh. I said" Um, hi my names Ryan, who are you?".  She says, " hi I'm Taylor, I think you have my schedule". After she spoke, I asked" are you new here?".

***Taylor's POV*** 

                  I noticed that I was still staring at him and he was doing the same. I saw and heard a boy clear his throat to get our attention. We both blushed, " why am I blushing I don't even know anything about him snap out of it Taylor!", I thought to myself. He was asking me if I was new here and I said," yeah I'm new here and I just moved to Bay City and so this is my first day here, I'm a freshman just like you are". I asked him, "do you know where algebra is?". He looked at my schedule and his eyes lit up in excitement, like I didn't noticed that. He said" well you have all classes with us except for two which are Art and Music". I asked him who his friends were and he introduced me." well this is Harris and that is Spyder" Ryan said. The short one I'm guessing is Harris said Hey first followed by Spyder who looked at a girl that was across the hall. I heard Ryan and Harris snickering and I asked what were they laughing at. Ryan told me that Spyder has a thing for a girl named Cassie Park. I heard the bell rang and we all went to algebra. 

                    I noticed an empty seat next to a girl in the front of the class so I went and took a seat. I turned to the girl next to me so I could introduce myself. " Hi I'm Taylor Lockett", she looked surprised that I was talking to her but she introduced herself anyway. " I'm Leah Greene nice to meet you". I was thinking to myself. " finally I'm at a place where I have friends and I'm surprised that I made 4 new friends and on the first day too". " This is the one of the best days ever".

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