First Day PT 2 (2)

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***Taylor's POV***

I can't believe I met new friends, it still is surprising. I guess I was day dreaming because someone broke me out of the trance I was in. Leah was talking to me but I was zoned out. I give her a confused look and she asked me if I was alright and I said" Yeah I- I'm alright", I wasn't sure I was thinking something was wrong with my amulet but I let it go when the feeling went away. Leah was saying, " can I sit with you at lunch, I don't know anybody else here?", " sure why not we're friends aren't we?", I replied. She said" Yeah we are". The next few periods went by in a flash. It was now lunch and I made my way to the cafeteria along with Leah. I got a burger, fries and an apple juice and Leah got a salad and an orange juice.

I heard someone calling my name. It was Ryan. " Hey Ryan what's up?", "do y-you want to come sit with us?" Ryan replied nervously. " sure" I said, " Leah do you want to sit with us?", " Uhh sure" replied Leah surprised and unsure. " Hey guys this is Leah, Leah Greene" I said. " Hi Leah my name is Ha-Harris," followed by, " hey I'm Spyder the mastermind of this group of friends". Me, Harris and Ryan said in unison " No your not". I saw Leah trying to hold in her laughter but failing miserably. Leah and the rest of us earned a playful glare from Spyder. I knew they were going to get along fine.

Lunch was over and I had gym with Ryan, Harris, Leah and Spyder. We played dodge ball. I had Ryan and Leah on my team along with another boy. On the other team it was Spyder, Harris, a girl and my sister- Wait my sister!! I didn't know she was in this class. I yelled a quick hey to her and she did the same back. Before I knew it the bell rung signaling class was over. I was walking to the lockers with the guys and Leah. I noticed a group of seniors in the corner of the hallway snickering. Oh no this can't be good. I guess Harris saw them to because he was trying to warn Ryan and Spyder but it was to late. Ryan's locker opened covering them in trash and in the process I heard the jocks yell, " Trash Locker!!". Ryan took something off his face and said" I really hope this is peanut butter in here", Spyder dipped his finger in what I hope is peanut butter and licked his finger. Me and Ryan shuddered in disgust. Then Spyder said" Peanut butter cup get it?". I rolled my eyes at his remark. " So Mark wants to play pranks? I can do pranks." Said Ryan aggravated. I asked him if he was ok and he said" Yeah I'm ok". We all left when the bell rang.


It was a free period. I knew everyone had this period so I went to to the bleachers outside and sat on them waiting for Leah. I was reading a book, when I looked up, I saw my sister.

$$$ Serenity's POV $$$

I was walking outside when I saw my sister Taylor sitting on the bleachers. I saw her reading a book that's no surprise. It looked like she was waiting for someone. I went up to her to see who she was waiting for. I went up to her and I said " hey Taylor, hey Taylor!". I assumed she didn't hear me so I tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me and I could tell she was spooked because I could sense it in her emotions (I have the power to sense emotions and I have other powers too).

" Hey Serenity" Taylor replied

"who are you waiting for? Did you make a friend or friends because I did" I replied excitedly and happy for my sister. She groaned and rolled her eyes at me but she told me any way.

"I made four new friends if you most know" Taylor replied a little irritated

" Well are they boys, girls, both? Wait you didn't tell them your secret did you? I JUST WANT TO KNOW!" I replied while shaking her shoulders

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