Powers/Questions (6)

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!!!!!!!A/N: The video has nothing to do with the story but I love the song so listen if you want!!!!!!!....... Also same outfits from last chapter!!!!!!!

Last Time on Dimensions And Worlds-----

" Leah why don't you go first" I suggested

       "Alright, I'm not human I'm not from earth, I have powers, I'm a superhero and I was left here when I was a baby at Bay City Orphanage and I am trying to find my sister" Leah said and then she transformed into her suit and stood next to me.

" I'll go next" I said

           " I'm from a different dimension but we are human I think and so is Serenity since she is my sister. We are superhero's and We have been keeping that a secret for 10 years." I transformed into my suit and so did Serenity and we stood side by side along with Leah.

" Last but not least Emily" I said

              " I'm from a different planet I'm not human and I came here a while ago looking for my long lost little sister" Emily said and transformed into her suit and stood next to us.

" The thing we have to tell you is we are Mech X4" Ryan said

We were left speechless and so were they.


A/N: nickname for Taylor is Tay ....enjoy the story!!


          To say we were shocked would be an understatement. We were amazed. We never would have guessed that Ryan and the others were the pilots of Mech X4. I knew Ryan had a super power but he use's it to control a 150 ft fighting robot is amazing and cool. I looked at the boys and we smirked and chuckled because they were still shocked and their jaws dropped.

           Me and Serenity walked up to the Walker brothers and Leah and Emily walked up to Spyder and Harris. When we walked up to them we were bombarded with questions left from right.

          "Alright alright one at a time one at a time ok, is there somewhere where we can talk about this?" I asked

" Yes there is follow us" Ryan said while smirking

We followed them into the robot and onto what looks like a deck that had a black couch with a tv.

" Wow this is amazing Ryan!" I said with amusment and amazement

I heard Ryan chuckle at my amusment and I started to blush a lot and I think Serenity saw because she looked at me then smirked.

" So do you goofballs have any questions about our powers or us" Serenity said with a smirk forming on her lips and Harris raised his hand.

" How do you go back to your civilian form?" Harris asked

Me and Serenity snapped our fingers and Leah and Emily said 'Power Down'

The boys looked impressed with us so far, I wondered what they were thinking. So I listened in on their thoughts.

'Wow I can't believe aliens exist! This is Awesome!!' Harris

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