Robots and Mysteries (3)

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           ****Author's Note- Taylor's outfit below and Leah's outfit above****

                                                                                       ---Ryan's POV---

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                                                                                       ---Ryan's POV---

              We went to the Junk yard. Everything was normal until a lamp moved. Harris asked me, " What are you doing to that lamp?" and I said " I'm not doing anything, I think the lamp is scanning me".

                Before I knew it we saw a giant 150 ft robot. We all screamed as the robot lifted it's foot and stepped on us. The elevator opened and we all said" wow". Spyder went to one of the centers and tried to push the buttons. Harris yelled at him, no surprise there. A guy popped on the front of the robot and we screamed again. The guy started speaking. 

                 " Hello! Welcome to Mech X5, if your seeing this 2 things, 1 yo are a technopath you can control technology with your mind, 2 I'm in hiding or probably dead, dead would be a bummer. Mech X5 is complex weaponry that can only be piloted  by you, reach out to it with your power."

 I did as the video said and link to the robot with my power. The video continued.

" Hopefully you are a strong enough technopath to operate Mech X5, you can not imagine the horrors coming your way, monsters as big as the robot if not bigger. You are going to need a team to save Bay City. The pilot, Weapons, Defense, Medic fighter and Mechanic." The video shut off before it could finish.

I looked at Harris, you could tell he was irritated. 

" The most important thing is what- that could be important" Harris said irritated

(Time Skip Next Day)

(Serenity's outfit above except the glasses)

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(Serenity's outfit above except the glasses)

The three were planning to prank Mark. We dumped trash on Mark and his Varsity friends using the robot and ran away.

(Time Skip -> Next Day)

***Taylor's POV***

I was waking up again to my alarm clock and my crazy sister screaming at me to get dressed and go downstairs. I was wearing a black crop top, blue jeans, my amulet, another pair of my Jordan's and a white cardigan. I come down stairs and found my sister in the kitchen.

(Serenity's Outfit)

" Damn girl you look good!" Serenity complimented

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" Damn girl you look good!" Serenity complimented

" So do you Serenity!" I replied back to her

              " OK I have to go now or I'm going to be late, Tell mom bye, Bye Sis!" I said while grabbing my bag while running out the door to the bus stop. As I was waiting for the bus I put my headphones on and I saw Harris, Ryan and Spyder. I said" Hey" and Harris said a quick hey back and went back to whispering about something with the others. Weird.... I thought. 

             When we got to school I went to algebra I was one of the first ones in the room, followed by Leah, then Ryan, then Harris and last but not least Spyder. I turned to Ryan and the others and asked if they wanted to hangout after school ( This is after the first monster attack) and Ryan said" Uhh no we can't we have to be somewhere". Then I turned to Leah and asked if she wanted to come to my house to hangout. She said" Sure".

(Skip to the end of the day)

Leah's POV

               Me and Taylor were in her room talking about stuff. Me and Taylor learned a lot about each other. I learned a lot of different things about Taylor. I knew me and her were going to be great friends.

" Hey Taylor?" I asked cautiously

" Yeah?"

"Have you ever had a secret you couldn't tell anyone?" I asked

" Yeah why do you asked?" she replied nervously, I wondered," Why is she nervous?"

" I have a really important secret and its bugging me not telling people but I know its for their safety", Should I tell her?, " I want to tell you that I'm from......"

Cliffhanger here... Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I want to know what you guys think of the book so far.

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- HaileyT  :) :) :) :)  

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