Kidnapped Pt.1 (8)

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^^ (Taylors outfit) ^^

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^^ (Taylors outfit) ^^

^^ (Taylors outfit) ^^

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^^(Serenitys outfit)^^

^^(Serenitys outfit)^^

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^^(Leah's outfit)^^

^^(Emily's outfit)^^Taylors POVYesterday, was amazing and stressful

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^^(Emily's outfit)^^
Taylors POV
Yesterday, was amazing and stressful. Amazing because of the kiss I had with Ryan, my feelings for him increased with the kiss 💋💋. It was stressful because I couldn't shake the feeling that something really wrong. Right now, I am in the bay of the mech and everbody else is doing their own thing. A voice broke me out of my thoughts.
" Tay-tay, Tay, Taylor!!", I looked up and saw my sister Serenity standing there with a worried expression on her face. She came and sat next to me.
"You ok Tay?" She asked and
" Don't lie to me"
"Damn it" I mumbled
"I am still having weird feelings luke bad things are gonna happen"
"I don't know, but you'll figure it out though" Serenity said and with that she left for me to think.
'Am I over thinking this'
--- Ryan's POV---
I walked into the the mech looking for Taylor.
" Hey Mark have you seen Taylor?"
"no, check with Serenity" he said
I was walking towards the X-deck and I saw Serenity walkout.
"Hey Serenity have you seen Taylor, I can't find her anywhere, I'm worried about her" I asked
" yeah, I found her on the X-deck staring into space, I'm getting worried about her too, she keeps saying that she is getting bad vibes"
"Oh" was all I could say at the moment and I wanted to see if Tay was alright.
"Can you go see for me again, I'm worried" Serenity said while walking to Mark to help him fix the mech.
I walked in and saw her with her head in her hands her body shaking a bit. I sat down next to her and brought her into a hug but she cried harder but I just hugged her tight and rubbed her back and whispered, " It's alright, calm down, relax baby, I'm right here", her cries turned to soft hiccups and heavy breathing. I loosened my grip but still had her in a hug. She slowly pulled away but held my hands in hers.
"Sorry" she says
'What does she have to be sorry for'
"Baby you have nothing to be sorry for" I say while wiping the tears with my thumb from her face.
"I'm sorry for worrying every one but these feelings are weird"
"What ever it is. We'll get through it together, remember we love you , I love you" I said cupping her cheeks with my hands.
" I love you too Ryan" she said then kissed me and I kissed back.
'What did I do to deserve her' i thought
After 15 seconds we pulled away, she looked into my eyes and I saw the same love, compassion,devotion and determination in her eyes and mine held the same. I leaned my forehead on hers and whispered
" I love you Taylor Lockett"
"I love you too Ryan Walker" she said
"Forever?" I asked
" And Always" she said and then we kissed again.
***Taylors POV***
Ryan's words really helped me think. I have great family and friends and an amazing boyfriend to help me through tough times, I'm never alone. Right now, I am walking home after saying bye to the guys, the girls and telling Serenity I would see her at home.
Suddenly, I heard a twig snap and I turned my head in that direction but saw nothing.
'I'm being paranoid ' I thought

I am getting really, really bad feelings now and I'm pretty sure Serenity can feel it to because of me.
I felt something grab my throat and I tried to use my speed to get away but I suddenly felt a prick in my neck but I still tried to get away.
I was suddenly hit on the backof the head and blacked out.
Serenity's POV (surprising Right?!)
I was still working on the arm of Mech with Mark. I was thinking about my feelings for Mark and I was wondering if he felt the same. I was about to say somethingto Mark about that when I tensed up because I felt something wrong with Taylor and Mark noticed.
I dropped the wrench, I was holding to the floor.
" Serenity you ok, you look pale?" He asked concerned.
I dropped everything and ran to the control center with Mark on my heels calling everyone. I was hyper ventalating and felt some one grab my shoulders and turned me to look at them. It was Mark.
"What's wrong?"
"T-Taylor" I said crying
Ryans head immediatley popped up at the mention of his girlfriend.
"What about Taylor?! Is she alright?! Where is she?!" He said (Ryan) practically shouting
" She was kidnapped, I don't inow, and again I. Do. Not. Know." I screamed
"What!!" They screamed in unison
"What do you mean she was kidnapped?" Mark asked
" I can feel emotions and I can feel my sisters movement" I explained
"I felt distress coming frim her and saw nothing but blackness and my head hurts, so I'm guessing that she was hit in the back of the head and passed out" I finished
"Ok Harris can you track Taylor" I asked worried
"Yeah when you guys joined the team, me and Leah, we made trackers for all of us to keep track of our locatuons during attacks or when needed"," They all keep track of our vitals also" Harris said
"Alright tomorrow after school we meet here to discuss what the hell we are going to do" I said
"Ok" everyone said
'I hope Taylor is ok' I thought
I saw Mark still there and thought
'Now or never'
"Hey Mark" I asked
I grabbed his face and kissed him and pulled away. I saw him standing there with a goofy smile on his face. I went to turn away when I was just turned back to him, and he smashed his lips into mine. I smiled into the kiss 💋 💋 and he did too. Our faces were still near each other.
"I love you" he said
"I love you too" I said
His face lit up like a kid on christmas day.
He let out a loud laugh and picked me up and spinned me around.
'Mark gave me hope, hope that we will find her and everything will turn out alright, everything will be ok'
-Don't Forget To-

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