15-no school WORK ALONE.

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Chapter 15-no school WORK ALONE .

It is now night and i am tired ,i have a meeting tomorrow at 7 in the morning and the time is 6 at night so i decide to video chat Zerica.

"Hey Carter"she said coming up on the screen.
"Hey "i said "what's up ? Its night here and i wanna go to sleep since i have work tomorrow and the whole week"she whined everything about this girl is beautiful god it should be illegal!!.

"Sorry i got work tomorrow too"i said "well bye bitch i wanna sleep"she said hanging up.


Zerica POV:
I think Carter misses me ..like get real i doubt he is just acting but i don't care ..blah!!.

Next day
I was currently on the work site on my hotel talking to Joel.
"The fourth floor will be done in 3 months and the pool digging is coming along"he explain.
"Good so i am going with Jordan yo look on some stuff "i said walking away with Jordan who said"Fuck school ,i wanna come".we were going to a design place for the inside of the hotel like design then tomorrow furniture ..

"We can go with this wide light hard wood floor and paint the walls in light gray ,all through the rooms expect the bathroom ."i said to Jordan,"yeah but the rooms need to look different ,like the second floor different from the third floor and so on"she explain .
"Okay so mama can i get like 350 light hard woods for floors,240 gray paints ,and 159 tiles "i said to the lady who  assistant us,she nodded her head.

Later that day:
After Jordan i shop and drop them off we went to my place and pig out ...

Carter POV:
I need to fucking leave this place as in right now.. Come on are these people think i am going to give 20 percents of my company when my dad gives me 50! Fucking do the maths!!.

"Listen bud ,no way in fucking hell I'm giving my share of company to you get that in your fucking head"i bark .."out"i added
"But Mr. Aslina -"the person said
Getting cut off by me saying"NOPE  fucking get out or i will call the security" he did as told and moved out ..
I walk out of the office i had in Jersey to get lunch and cone back since i had a next meeting,i got in my black sports car and head to a restaurant .My mind was on Zerica which made matters clearly worse because i am here for meeting and there she is on my mind ,if it was not for this arrange marriage i would ask her to be my girl friend after we got to know eac - "

Zerica POV
"Are you Zerica Parker?"ask the Lady on the other end of the phone.

"Yes how -".

What is happening !! The reason for this is 1)they being apart dealing with work ..

Also the new cover is on the top ^^

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