17-both in hospital.

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"We kill each other slowly and painful with love ,but at the end some one die" -MadHead_shae1

Chapter 17- both in hospital.

Jordan POV
I got a call saying that Zerica is in the hospital and i went straight there and waited for an hour before an doctor came to tell us some news,her mom is crying her eyes out with her dad keeping her up and me watching the twins .
"Family of Zerica Parker" Said a doctor .
"Here"said her mom standing up.

"Well your Lucky that it was only a stab to the chest and gun shot to the foot "began the doctor "and she is alive, and will have to stay in here for 2 weeks "said the doctor .i left Zerica with her family and went over to Jacob .

"Hey babe what's up?"he ask opening the door foe me too walk in which i did ,"Zerica is in the hospital"i said"and i am afraid to tell Carter because ...WELL he will flip the fuck out"i added.
"Babe its okay, Zerica is a strong, independent girl ..she will pull through"he said pulling me into a right hug.

Natalia POV(Carter's sister )
I was about to go on the run way when mum called me crying and talking about "Carters in the hospital ,come now"and hang up ..
I sigh and walk over to my manager and told her ,she said to go and will cancel my show.

When i got there Carter's was laying there eyes OPEN!! With out think i ran over and carefully hug him .
"I don't wanna die! He choked "sorry"i say letting him go ,mom had gone to take a calk which leaves me with my brother and father .
"Darling -"my dad said cutting cut off by mum entering the room looking pale.
"Mum what's wrong?"ask carter,"its Zerica she was stab and got an gun shot"mom whisper the last part ,but we could hear ,but who the hell is Zerica?

"WHAT!! HOW?! SO FUCKING HELP ME, I WILL KILL WITH MY FUCKING HANDS!!"He yelled full of rage ,my mouth is dumb SK something dumb came out!!
"Sorry but who is Zerica and why is she important to carter?"i ask everyone ,who went dead .

I heard Carter sigh and said"my Fiancé  and i love her?"he said but the last part was a question .
I know who is Zerica her mom and dad owns restaurants ,hotels and those shits while she is a model with some thing else, yes i said i know her on IG  with rumors that she is dating my brother ,But i am one who doesn't believe it.

Zerica POV
I woke up Like an hour or four ago with parents and friends asking me questions i don't know!!

A/n- hello chicka how are you guys?
Anyway guess who did that to Carter and Zerica!
You got to see a little of carters sister and next chapter a little of some one else.


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